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Valencia Bikeway Improvements - May 2023 Project Update

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Intersection construction at Valencia and 23rd streets

Weekly Construction Updates

Color Curb Guide

Thank you for your patience throughout the ongoing construction of the mid-Valencia pilot project. We understand the challenges posed by the construction activities and want to assure you that we are working diligently to minimize any inconveniences while striving for a swift completion.

Although the center-running protected bikeway is not open yet, significant progress has been made.

Throughout the month of May, our crews have been busy removing the existing traffic striping and implementing the new roadway configuration associated with the mid-Valencia pilot design between 23rd and 19th streets. Additionally, our crews have been painting new curb changes and loading zones between 14th and 17th streets and side streets. We have also installed new traffic signs that are associated with the pilot, such as no left-turn (at all intersections from 15th to 23rd streets), no right turns on red (at specific cross streets), and vehicle loading regulation signs related to new loading zones. As a reminder to all users, vehicle left turns from Valencia Street onto cross streets are now prohibited. Violators will be warned or cited.

Our work continues next month, with planned traffic striping work between 19th and 15th streets and continued implementation of the new curb management plan. New loading zones will be painted, and parking regulation signs installed south of 17th Street in the coming weeks.

At this time, the new bikeway remains closed and people on bikes will share the two vehicle travel lanes with people in cars during construction. Temporary signs have been installed to indicate that bikes may use the full lane (vehicle travel lane), indicating to drivers and bicyclists that they will share the roadway. The implementation of a center-running protected bikeway requires careful consideration, particularly at intersections, to ensure smoother and safer crossings between blocks. Until all elements of the center-running protected bikeway, including rubber curbs and posts in the bikeway buffer, bike boxes to facilitate turns off the bikeway, and bike signals at the ends of the center-running protected bikeway, have been installed, the bikeway will remain closed for reasons related to traffic safety.

Bike lane is closed sign

During construction, it is crucial to adhere to the temporary active loading hours. These measures are in place to maintain a clear work area and to ensure the efficient flow of traffic. The temporary loading regulations create adequate space at the curb for vehicles to pull over for loading activities to minimize conflicts among bicyclists, vehicles, and loading activities in the travel lane. Our crews are working swiftly along the corridor to install new parking and loading changes along the whole corridor.

We kindly request your cooperation in following the new parking and loading regulations and paying close attention to the temporary active loading signs. Please note that parking or loading in the new center-running protected bikeway is prohibited. Violators will be cited. Please use the curb for all parking and loading activities.

As construction progresses, we would like to remind everyone to exercise caution and travel through the area with increased attentiveness. Temporary active loading only regulations may present temporary challenges, but your careful navigation will contribute to the safety of all. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the mid-Valencia pilot, please do not hesitate to reach out to our project team. Weekly construction updates are posted here.

Weekly Construction Updates

Color Curb Guide

For more project information, please visit