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Twin Peaks Construction Update

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Construction is on Track!

Crews working on the track

The Twin Peaks Tunnel Improvement Project is still "on track" to finish on time, within the two month project window and before the end of August. This is in large part thanks to the amazing crews who are working around the clock to complete the project quickly and safely.

More specific construction updates:

  • About 50% of the seismic retrofit work is complete
  • Most of the 100-year old drainage system has been upgraded
  • All four of new track crossovers are installed -- These crossovers help the train switch from one track to the other during breakdowns and can assist improving overall train operations by adding flexibility.
  • Track removal and replacement inside the tunnel continues. Once done, the tunnel will have all brand new tracks and ties.

Our team also continues our twice a week office hours on West Portal. Drop by 10am-12pm every Tuesday or 12pm-2pm every Thursday at 45 West Portal Avenue. This is one of the best ways for us to stay in touch with residents, transit customers and merchants near the construction zone.

Transit Plan Update:

The transit service continues to transport the tens of thousands of daily customers that normally travel via the KLM lines in Twin Peaks tunnel. Our analysis shows that travel times have been much quicker than expected, generally adding only a few minutes to most commutes. We have received lots positive comments about the coordination so far and have responded in real time to suggestions and feedback from customers.

Moving everyone around the city would not be going so smoothly without the patience of our riders, the dedication from our bus and train operators as well as support fro the 60+ community ambassadors, inspectors and station agents.

Ambassador helping

Ambassador helping a transit customer with our rider guide

More information on the project can be found on our website. Also be sure to sign up for email updates to get the latest on the project.