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Supporting Small Businesses on Geary

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Overhead photo of Geary Boulevard showing Geary businesses, people visiting businesses and waiting for the bus, and 38R Geary Rapid bus driving in transit lane

Quick-Build transit and safety improvements are coming to Geary this fall as part of the Geary Boulevard Improvement Project. The SFMTA understands that change can be difficult and that we have a role in fostering small business success. To help merchants thrive during this time, we have set aside funds to create a customized marketing campaign to attract customers to the Geary corridor. Learn about how you can get involved below.

Take a brief survey and share your ideas about marketing funds 

Do you own or manage a business on Geary Boulevard between 34th Avenue and Stanyan Street? Please take our five-minute survey and share your marketing ideas. Your response to this survey will help us develop a marketing campaign that will be most responsive to Geary merchant needs.   


Join us for a Merchant Mixer on October 19, 2023

Join us for a drop-in event, where you can connect with other small businesses, get answers about Quick-Build work, and share your ideas about how to shape the marketing campaign. Snacks will be provided.

WHEN: Thursday, October 19, 2023, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM 

WHERE: Joe’s Ice Cream, 5420 Geary Boulevard

RSVP: or 415.646.2300 


Join the Small Business Working Group 

Have more time to commit? We’re seeking business owners and representatives to form a Small Business Working Group to help decide what kind of marketing support would best help Geary businesses thrive during the Geary Boulevard Improvement Project Quick-Build. Members are asked to commit to four or five 90-minute meetings beginning late 2023 through early 2024, to occur during standard business hours (M-F, 9am-5pm).