On-street car share pilot – call for participation

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The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) is carrying out a two-year pilot program to facilitate car sharing in San Francisco by making on-street parking spaces available in all neighborhoods in the City for use by qualified Car Share Organizations (“CSOs”). Participation in the car share pilot is open to qualified CSOs that commit to certain requirements regarding public outreach, data collection, vehicle placement, and vehicle availability (see On-street Car Share Pilot Participation Requirements). The pilot program will run from August 2013 through August 2015.

The SFMTA is now inviting CSOs to submit a brief statement of their qualifications for pilot participation, together with a list of on-street parking spaces which they seek to utilize as car share vehicle pods for the duration of the pilot. Parking space selection guidelines and a process timeline can be found below.

Car share parking space request lists should be returned to the SFMTA by October 9. Parking space requests received after October 9 will not be considered until the second round of parking space requests and review, to be carried out in 2014.

Interested CSOs are advised to review the following documents before submitting lists of parking spaces:



Interested qualified CSOs should prepare a Google Map identifying up to 150 on-street parking spaces, following the guidelines for parking space selection listed below. See example Google Map here for reference.

CSOs should email a brief statement of their qualifications for pilot participation, an exported KML file for their space selection map, and a shared link to the Google Map itself, to Andy.Thornley@sfmta.com, by October 9, 2013.

CSOs should not submit On-Street Car Share Parking Permit Applications at this time. Permit applications will be completed after all space requests have been received, reviewed and reconciled and outreach has been carried out for the parking spaces.


  • Must be an existing legal on-street public parking space
  • Must be a parking space under the jurisdiction of the SFMTA (no Port of SF spaces, no Recreation-Parks Department spaces, no Presidio/National Park Service spaces)
  • May not be a special-use parking space marked with colored curb or a parking meter with a green top
  • May not be the first parking space on the far side of an intersection (reserved for future blue zones)
  • May not be located in a peak period tow away zone
  • No more than two on-street car share parking spaces for all CSOs combined will be designated per block
  • Because of high levels of enforcement and availability issues in the initial pilot at the Valencia Street location we discourage selection of spaces on major retail street faces. Instead, we encourage selection of spaces just off major retail street faces, e.g. 4th Ave just south of Clement St and Clay St just east of Fillmore St, two on-street car share locations designated in the initial pilot. See the On-street car sharing pilot evaluation (Sept 2012) for more information on retail blocks and car share parking space placement in the initial pilot.
  • The SFMTA reserves the right to reject a space or remove it from the approvals process at any time and for any reason.


  • Now: CSOs express their interest and qualifications for pilot participation, compile lists of desired parking spaces, create Google Map of locations (see example here)
  • by October 9: CSOs email exported Google Map KML file to SFMTA
  • Oct 10-Oct 14: SFMTA combines CSOs parking space requests, conducts top-level review
  • mid-October: SFMTA meets with CSOs to resolve parking space overlaps / overloads / conflicts, discuss coordinated outreach effort
  • October-November: Outreach by CSOs (with SFMTA support) to neighbors and merchants about parking space conversion; internal SFMTA and interagency review
  • November-December: SFMTA public hearing for on-street parking space conversion; parking space permit applications completed
  • January: SFMTA Board deliberation and approval of parking space permits
  • January-March: Approved and permitted car share parking spaces converted (ongoing conversions balanced among participating CSOs)