Revised Proposal for West Portal Improvements Goes to SFMTA Board on July 16

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Neighborhoods Affected

The SFMTA in partnership with District 7 and the Mayor’s Office has revised the West Portal Station Safety and Community Space Improvements Project proposal. The SFMTA Board of Directors will consider the revised proposal for approval at its Tuesday, July 16 meeting.

The goal of the project is to improve street safety for people traveling to and from West Portal homes, businesses and community amenities. The new proposal includes changes and additions recommended by the Welcoming West Portal Committee, made up of local businesses, community organizations and residents, as well as other community feedback and further input from traffic engineers. It also reflects a more holistic approach to improving safety throughout the West Portal neighborhood.  

The proposal includes:

Traffic calming treatments on Ulloa, Vicente and Wawona streets. Traffic calming treatments are physical design changes to the street that discourage speeding and encourage slower, more cautious driving. Based on community feedback, we are proposing intersection improvements, rapid flashing beacons and either flexible delineators or low-profile speed bumps on parts of Ulloa Street. We are also proposing intersection improvements on parts of Vicente Street and speed tables on sections of Wawona Street. Details and a map are available on the project proposal page. Together, these changes would discourage speeding, calm traffic and signal that drivers should slow down as they approach West Portal Avenue with its significant number of people walking there.

Vehicle restrictions and transit lanes. The proposal includes two changes to the way vehicles are allowed to travel in the intersection directly in front of the West Portal Muni Station. This intersection is complicated and potentially confusing because of the high number of buses, trains, cars and pedestrians that move through it.  

  • Left turns from northbound West Portal Avenue onto Ulloa Street would be restricted.
  • Westbound through-traffic on Ulloa Street at West Portal Avenue would also be restricted.  

The proposal allows all turns from Ulloa Street onto West Portal Avenue. These two turn restrictions balance the benefits of decreasing conflicts at West Portal Avenue/Ulloa Street with minimizing traffic increases at West Portal Avenue/Vicente Street and on Wawona Street, which we heard is a safety priority from community members.

Additionally, the proposal includes a southbound left-turn restriction on West Portal Avenue at Vicente Street to help improve safety at that intersection.  

One-Way Lenox Way. Lenox Way would change from a two-way street to a one-way street traveling southbound downhill. This would help reduce through-traffic in the West Portal Station area. Lenox Way traffic would only travel westbound on Ulloa Street away from West Portal Station. Additional traffic calming would be implemented on Lenox Way in addition to loading improvements at West Portal Elementary and near West Portal Station.

Horseshoe Redesign. The half circle outside the station would be redesigned as a welcoming new station entrance with elements including a series of planters and a street mural. These improvements would work together to define a safe, pedestrian-only space within the horseshoe and direct Muni riders to the best path to access the platforms.

Together, the project proposal would help holistically improve safety near the West Portal Station in a way that is responsive to community concerns.

Welcoming West Portal Committee and Outreach Informed the New Proposal

Following the initial launch of outreach in April, the project team continued to meet with community members to hear feedback, answer questions and revise the project proposal. This has included four meetings of the Welcoming West Portal Committee, a hearing at the June 4 SFMTA Board meeting and other meetings including with Lenox Way residents and stakeholders of West Portal Elementary.  

These meetings included productive and creative discussions, and several of the refined proposals’ elements were added in response to this feedback.  

SFMTA Board Meeting on July 16

The SFMTA Board will consider the revised West Portal Station Safety and Community Space Improvements Project proposal on Tuesday, July 16. The meeting begins at 1 p.m. The agenda will be shared on the event page by Friday, July 12. Community members will be able to watch the meeting online via SFGovTV. Public comment will be heard in-person at City Hall Room 400 (1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA), and written comments can be sent to in advance of the meeting.

Community members can share questions about the project to or 415.646.2410.