Sourcing Event ID No. 0000003978
(EXT DPW| SFMTA Potrero Yrd Modrn)
Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) will be received online via file upload until 3:00:00 p.m. on October 16, 2020. Refer to the RFQ for further details regarding submission of SOQ. Documents, Plan Holders Lists, and Addenda may be downloaded from the Public Works Electronic Bid Documents Download site at Notices regarding Addenda and other bid changes will be distributed by email to Plan Holders.
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The City requests Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) to form a development partnership for an ambitious project to design, build, finance, and maintain (DBFM) the Potrero Yard Modernization Project (the “Project”). The Project proposes to replace the existing San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s (SFMTA’s) trolley bus Potrero Yard with a modern and efficient battery-electric bus maintenance and storage facility (the “Bus Yard Component”) jointly developed with a residential project (the “Housing and Commercial Component”). The Project will increase transit vehicle longevity and safety; it is also a major investment in and commitment to the SFMTA’s biggest asset: its employees. The City is currently performing California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analyses to review the proposed Project concept and inform its decision making. The City would make performance-based Availability Payments for the Bus Yard Component upon its Substantial Completion. The Housing and Commercial Component will be delivered under a private residential/commercial rental revenue model.
Following the SOQs received, the City will evaluate them and may select up to three Short-Listed Respondents that would be invited to submit Proposals in response to a Request for Proposals (RFP). Based on the Proposals received, the City may select a Preferred Bidder to enter into a Pre-Development Agreement (PDA) to perform pre-development work for the Project, and potentially, a subsequent Project Agreement (PA) to deliver the Project.
A pre-SOQ conference will be held by conference call on Monday, August 31, 2020 starting at 1:00pm. The Respondent may register by completing the virtual sign-up form in the following link: The pre-SOQ conference virtual meeting instructions will be distributed via email to the persons or entities who register using the above link and will be published in the procurement website. To facilitate teaming discussions among interested parties, persons or entities who register using the above link will have the option to indicate if they are an LBE firm and to opt in or out of distribution of their contact details and information to others who registered and opted in.
Recognizing the altered market landscape due to COVID-19, the City is committed to the Project’s core objective to modernize the Potrero Yard so it can facilitate excellent transit service to everyone who travels in San Francisco, while contributing to the City’s goals to increase the housing stock, especially affordable housing, and delivering a Project that supports the neighborhood that hosts it. The City encourages Respondent teams to reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of San Francisco and participation of underrepresented communities.