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Ocean Avenue Quick-Build Safety Upgrades Start August 10

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Starting Saturday, August 10, Public Works crews will begin construction on several quick-build boarding islands on Ocean Avenue.

These quick-build islands will lengthen and widen boarding islands for the K Ingleside at four stops, which will improve accessibility and safety for riders. Once all are upgraded, we will operate two-car trains on the K Ingleside, doubling capacity on Ocean Avenue and removing delay at West Portal.    


August 10-18: Ocean and Aptos avenues stops. In advance of the Aptos Middle School classes resuming on Monday, August 19, crews will first upgrade the westbound stop. When completed, they will upgrade the eastbound stop. Construction on each stop is expected to last approximately four days. We expect construction to take place between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. every day.

August 22-29: During the Twin Peaks Tunnel Upgrades, crews will work on the remaining outbound stops, beginning with the stop at Ocean Avenue and San Leandro Way.  

We expect construction to take place between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. every day.

Traffic Impacts:

  • While each island is under construction, Ocean Avenue traffic will be limited to one lane in that direction on the affected block. However, there is no planned impact to traffic in the other direction. Drivers should use caution and be mindful of workers directing traffic. 

Parking impacts:  

  • In advance of construction, we will implement planned permanent parking removals at each stop.
  • Additional temporary impacts to parking are also likely. Please watch for signs.

Noise impacts:  

  • There may be some noise during brief excavation work.  

Muni service impacts:  

This quick-build implementation follows the SFMTA Board’s approval of the K Ingleside Rapid Project in March 2024


Brian Haagsman

Public Information Officer