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Lower Great Highway Pedestrian Improvements Project - Public Hearing & Upcoming Open House

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Public Hearing

The SFMTA will bring proposals for pedestrian safety improvements on Lower Great Highway to Public Hearing next week. The purpose of a Public Hearing is to get formal public comments to assess public reaction to the proposals; no decisions are made at the public hearing itself. The feedback received at or in advance of the public hearing will be used to determine how the project moves forward. The public hearing will be held on:

Friday, July 20th, 10 AM
S.F. City Hall, Room 416

The proposals include pedestrian visibility zones and painted safety zones. These basic safety measures ensure that pedestrians waiting to cross the street at a crosswalk can be seen by approaching vehicles without stepping into the street - particularly important for children who are more easily hidden by parked cars. These measures would be installed at each of the 18 intersections along the two-mile corridor. The project proposal would result in a reduction of 2-3 parking spaces per intersection, or 38 in total. There would be no impact to mid-block parking. To see what is being proposed at a specific intersection, see the Proposed Near-Term Improvements Map.


Comments can be provided in person at the public hearing, or via email before the hearing. Email comments can be sent to with the subject 'Public Hearing'. Comments received prior to the hearing will become part of the official public record, and will be brought to the attention of the person(s) conducting the hearing.

You should see public hearing notices posted around the neighborhood; that notice can be found here.

Upcoming Open House

In early September, the SFMTA will hold a second Open House to present medium-term proposals to calm traffic and further increase pedestrian comfort on Lower Great Highway. These proposals will be based on feedback from the first Open House held April 19th, 2018 and comments received subsequently. An email notification will be sent once a date and location for the Open House is set.

Potential medium-term proposals include speed humps and raised crosswalks, median islands, and - where roadway width allows on select blocks - angled parking. Angled parking could add up to 20 additional parking spaces to the corridor, decreasing overall parking reduction by more than half. You still have the opportunity to provide feedback on medium-term proposals, both in general and locations where the proposed measures should be considered. You can find more information in our Open House #1 project information boards.

Please email any questions or comments to Nick Smith at