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L Taraval proposal revised based on community feedback

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Thanks to all the riders, residents, merchants and community groups who have provided feedback on our safety and transit reliability proposals along Taraval Street. Based on all of the input we have received so far, and working closely with Supervisor Tang's office, we have made revisions to our original proposal.


The most updated proposal and all materials presented at the February 17, 2016 open house are available below. In short, we have revised the proposal to include a pilot concept that includes striping and improved signage at stops where no pedestrian collisions have occurred. At pilot locations, no parking will be removed. At all other stop locations we are proposing boarding islands, with early implementation of clear zones to get these important safety features on the ground immediately. Lastly, we have updated our proposals for traffic signals, stop consolidation and the transit-only lane, all outlined in the summary of changes table.




Original Proposal

Revised Proposal

Stop removal Remove 7 out of 20 surface stops in each direction

Remove 4 inbound stops and 5 outbound stops

Retain stops at 46th/Ulloa, 44th, and 35th (inbound) 

Revised stop spacing proposal [pdf]

Traffic signals

Up to 11 new signals

5 new signals (none west of 28th)

Transit-only lane

Legislate as permanent

Legislate as pilot (no red paint installed during pilot)

Boarding islands

Install at all L stops on Taraval (including 5 in each direction in business areas)

Pilot striping [pdf] (no parking moved) at 5 inbound stops near businesses: 26th, 30th, 32nd, 35th, 40th Avenues

Install islands at all other stops on Taraval Street: 19th, 26th (outbound only), 30th (outbound only), 32nd (outbound only), 40th (outbound only), 42nd, 44th, 46th (outbound only). Early implementation of clear zones [pdf] will be recommended at these locations ahead of constructing the boarding islands. 

Proposed locations of pilot vs early implementation of clear zones [pdf]


One-for-one replacement of parking with angled parking within a block of Taraval

Original proposal + meter/time limit first few spaces just off Taraval (along corner buildings) to create availability for customers

Net increase of parking if pilot succeeds

Access to stops

New accessible platforms at 19th, 42nd

Two additional accessible platforms in each direction: 28th/30th, 44th

*Updated February 22, 2016 to better reflect pilot options and early implementation of clear zones