Geary Boulevard Improvement Project Community Enhancement

Thanks to the over 1,800 people who completed our survey about community enhancement options. We have prepared a summary report of the survey results with more details about what we heard. A second round of outreach will take place in the fall to get feedback on the details of the chosen option(s).

Please be sure to sign up for project updates via email or text to stay informed about the project.

The Geary Boulevard Improvement Project will include a community enhancement element to beautify the corridor. Your input will help determine what idea is selected in the coming months! 

In April 2024 we held a survey asking for feedback on different treatment options. We will have a second round of outreach later this year to share the favorite treatment(s) and ask for input on the details of the design.

Map of Geary Boulevard Improvement Project area

Map of Geary Boulevard Improvement Project limits and area where community enhancement treatments could be installed

Depending on the enhancement selected, there may be an opportunity to highlight the Richmond District’s rich history and/or culture, or to contribute to neighborhood identity or place-making. The selected treatment will be installed on Geary Boulevard along with other planned utility, transit, and safety improvements.

Some sample types of enhancements are below:

Left photo district marker; top right photo etched concrete; bottom right photo concrete with glass

Photo on left shows an example of a district marker; upper right shows etched concrete; lower right a concrete and glass treatment

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