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Folsom Street Quick-Build - Implementation Update - January 7, 2021

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Folsom QB plan view

The Folsom Quick-Build Project will begin project implementation work to install traffic safety improvements for all users in January 2021. SFMTA crews will begin work on the 5th to 4th block of Folsom Street and work their way east through the project area. Implementation work is expected to take one to two months pending weather conditions and coordination with other nearby projects. Bike share stations in the project area will be temporarily out of service during construction.

The work will be on Folsom Street between 2nd and 5th streets. Click here to see the approved design of roadway traffic safety improvements. Please see the design update below for a description of project elements that may have been removed or altered during the detailed design phase, which is one step after project approval and one stop before project implementation.

Design Update

The initially approved project design included the installation of bike signals and transit boarding islands. The project team has since removed those items due to feasibility issues discovered during the detailed design phase and schedule constraints due to COVID-19 and the upcoming Folsom-Howard Streetscape Project.

Project Implementation Work

  • Installation of a parking-protected bikeway
  • Curb management changes to include more commercial and passenger loading
  • Re-striping of the roadway, which includes the reduction of one travel lane to accommodate the new bikeway

The project team thanks the community and stakeholders for being part of the project planning and design process.

The Future of Folsom Street

As a reminder, the Folsom Quick-Build Project is a temporary improvement to traffic safety in the project area. Work for the Folsom-Howard Streetscape Project, which is the long-term and permanent traffic safety improvements to Folsom Street, will begin sometime in the future. For more information about the Folsom-Howard Streetscape project, please visit

For more information about the project, please visit

If you have any questions about the project or want to contact the project team, please email