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February 28, 2023 Cayuga Slow Street Project Update - Draft Design

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We are pleased to provide an update on the long-anticipated Cayuga Avenue Slow Street! Cayuga Avenue was approved as a Slow Street as part of the ongoing Slow Streets Program at the 12/6/2022 MTA Board Meeting, and the Project team is ready to share a draft design for the Cayuga Avenue Slow Street. 

Draft Design 

A draft design has been developed based on the results of the Fall 2021 Cayuga Avenue Slow Street planning process and the 2019 Excelsior Neighborhood Traffic Calming Project.  

Below are the main elements that make up the draft design:  

  • Slow Streets Delineators. Slow Streets delineators help reduce traffic volumes by discouraging cut-through traffic. 

  • Slow Streets Pavement Markings and Identification Signs. Markings on the pavement and  sidewalk-pole-mounted purple signs create more awareness of the existence of the Slow Street. 

  • Traffic Calming Elements. Traffic calming elements such as speed cushions and raised crosswalks help reduce vehicle speeds mid-block.  

  • Median Diverter (at Cayuga and Geneva). Median diverters help reduce traffic volumes by limiting through traffic. Vehicle traffic is prohibited through the intersection, while allowing space for cyclists to cross through. 

View the Draft Design 

How to Provide Feedback 

You may comment on the draft design at the Engineering Public Hearing taking place on Friday, March 17th at 10:00 AM. For more information about the Public Hearing and how to provide comments before or during the meeting, please visit:

Questions? If you have questions about the draft design, email us at, using the subject line "Cayuga Avenue".  

Implementation and Evaluation  

If the draft design is approved at the Engineering Public Hearing, implementation could be scheduled to occur as early as this Spring. Implementation may take place in phases pending the availability of materials. After implementation, The SFMTA would also collect data on vehicle speeds and volumes to ensure Cayuga Avenue is functioning well as a Slow Street. 

To receive updates on the Cayuga Avenue Slow Street, please sign up via the link on the righthand side of the project webpage,