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December 2023 Proposed Changes to Minnesota Slow Street

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Following the SFMTA Board’s approval of Minnesota Street as a permanent Slow Street in December 2022, the SFMTA Project team conducted additional data analysis to assess how the street is performing against the Slow Streets Program targets of vehicle speeds at or below 15 miles per hour and vehicle volumes less than 1,000 per day.

Minnesota Street did meet the program speed target but not the volume target. The Slow Streets team is therefore proposing the following tools to reduce vehicle volumes:

  • A diverter island restricting northbound vehicle traffic at Minnesota Street &19th Street to reduce cut-through car traffic.
  • A painted safety zone and median island at the southwest corner of Minnesota Street and 18th Street to slow right turns from eastbound 18th Street while preserving southbound access to the loading zones and the UCSF police vehicle yard on Minnesota Street.
  • Painted safety zones (PSZs) on Minnesota Street at 18th Street and 19th Street, which can serve as community spaces for possible street murals and other community art.
  • A new traffic calming island located midblock between 20th and 22nd streets to slow speeds at the southern block of the corridor, which requires lengthening nearby red zones for access to fire hydrants.
  • Slow Streets pavement markings, identification and wayfinding signs, and advisory 15 mph signs to provide additional visual cues to all users that the corridor is a Slow Street.

View an illustrative overview of the proposed design

Provide Feedback on the proposed design

If you would like to comment on these proposed changes, you may participate online,via phone, or submit your comments in writing by the end of the day of the public hearing on Friday, January 5, 2024. To view the agenda for the Public Hearing, visit

  • Email:      with subject line “Public Hearing”
  • Public Hearing:  Friday, January 5, 2024, at 10:00 AM

                        To join online to view shared material, please visit  

                        To join by phone, please dial (415) 523-2709 and enter conference ID 396 848 05 #

No decisions are made at the public hearing itself. Decisions are made within a week of the public hearing based on all feedback received.

415.646.4270: For free interpretation services, please submit your request 48 hours in advance of meeting. / 如果需要免費口語翻譯,請於會議之前48小時提出要求。/ Para servicios de interpretación gratuitos, por favor haga su petición 48 horas antes de la reunión. / Para sa libreng serbisyo sa interpretasyon, kailangan mag-request 48 oras bago ang miting.

Questions? Please reach out to the project team at and include "Minnesota Street" in the subject line.