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Community Feedback Results: Trees, Art and Designs

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Community Members at Open House

Participants at the L Taraval Improvement Project Open House fill out surveys and discuss options for trees, art and designs.

Community Survey Results

Thank you to everyone that shared feedback on design elements for the L Taraval Improvement Project. We had over 60 community members attend the Open House in October and fill out a survey. Another 250+ people took the same survey online afterwards! After analyzing the results, we are pleased to share them with the community.

Who took the survey?

Over 85% of respondents indicated they live on or near Taraval Street with many of the others either working in the area or commuting on the L daily. Most people who took the survey reported they visited the corridor every day with smaller groups frequenting either only on weekdays or the weekend.


Trackway Edge and Boarding Island Color Palette

Boarding Islands and Trackway

Unique trackway and boarding islands colors are a great way to tie project together and celebrate the L Taraval. The outer band on the edge of the track is planned to be specially colored concrete and custom pavers will be used for the floor of the boarding islands.

Top Choice:

Warm sand choice

Art on Key Stop Boarding Islands

Key Stop Boarding Island Design

The project plans to double the number of stops on Taraval that have accessible ramps for those in wheelchairs or with limited mobility. These ramps provide a great opportunity to add color and art to the corridor.

Top Choice:

Cross street mosaic theme

Custom Transit Shelter Graphics

Bus Shelter Rendering

As a way to add some local flavor and celebrate the Taraval area, the project proposes to add custom vinyl graphics to the transit shelters. These new shelters with seats will be added to every stop on Taraval and are a much-requested bonus to the safety boarding islands. Spoiler alert: the votes were split almost exactly 50/50, so we plan to do a mix of both options along the corridor.

Top Choice: Both option 1 and 2!

Bus Shelter options


Tree options Olive, Cabbage palm and Primrose tree

Tree choices Peppermint tree, catalina ironwood and windmill palm

The tree choices presented in the survey were specifically selected based on the unique climate of the Sunset. Arborists from Public Works looked at a variety of species that tolerate fog, wind, sandy soils and have low maintenance needs. It is also vital that any new trees are drought resistant and are proven to thrive in the neighborhood.

We received a wide range of feedback and opinions on surveys. Many respondents shared that they liked seeing a mix of different kinds and most people generally approved the types presented. We also heard that many folks specifically preferred palms and just about as many were against palms at all. In weighing the options and the feedback, the team plans to plant a variety of all 6 trees with a well coordinated look.

Top Choice: A healthy mix of trees!

Thank You!

Thanks again to everyone that took part in the survey and provided feedback. Our teams are hard at work preparing for construction to start as soon as this spring. Look out for more information about the project and specific dates in the coming weeks. For additional background be sure to visit our website.