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Columbus Street Transit Bulbs and Sidewalk Improvements Under Construction

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*Please note: this project has been completed. 


The SFMTA will be constructing transit bulbs on Columbus Avenue between Filbert and Union streets, essentially widening the sidewalk on both sides of the street for this block. The changes will improve service reliability, reduce travel time on transit, and improve the customer experience for customers of the 30 Stockton and the 8X Bayshore Express.  These changes also support the WalkFirst program’s goal to add pedestrian improvements, such as pedestrian bulbs and more visible crosswalks, on priority corridors including Columbus Avenue.

More information about the Columbus Avenue Street Safety Project is available.


Construction will begin on this project on June 16th, 2014 and continue through mid-August.  Construction will be between 9:00am and 3:00 pm most weekdays.  Lane closures during construction will be 24/7.

Benefits of Transit Bulbs

Transit bulbs reduce delays by eliminating the need for buses to merge in and out of traffic at transit stops. The bulbs make it easier for everyone to get on and off by letting the bus line right up with the curb. Bulbs also provide additional space for people walking along Columbus or waiting for the bus, and they make crossing the street easier by reducing the distance between curbs.

These bulbs were presented at the January 30, 2014 and March 14, 2014 public hearings and are being constructed as part of the Central Subway restoration work on Columbus Ave.