Accessible parking >> SFMTA Board hearing canceled August 20

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Thank you for your interest in the Accessible Parking Policy Advisory Committee’s recommendations to improve parking access for people with disabilities. Based on public feedback, the Mayor’s Office on Disability and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) have decided to allow time for further outreach before bringing the recommendations to the SFMTA Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors for resolutions of support. This item has been removed from the August 20 SFMTA Board meeting agenda.

Members of the Accessible Parking Policy Advisory Committee have presented to over a dozen stakeholder groups in the last three months. If your community group would like to hear more about these recommendations, please write to

The Accessible Parking Policy Advisory Committee was a stakeholder group comprised mostly of people with disabilities, many of whom use disabled parking placards. The group concluded that current disabled parking placard and blue zone policies fail to increase access for people with disabilities, and reduce parking availability for all drivers. After working collaboratively for six months, the Committee came to a broad consensus on a package of recommendations to increase access and reduce disabled parking placard misuse. The package of state and local changes includes proven solutions used in other jurisdictions.

Click on the links below for more information.