Dear Community Members,
Thank you for your continued interest and participation in the 3rd Street Quick-Build project!
In Fall 2023, project staff began the outreach phase process. Staff went door to door on two separate occasions distributing a curb use survey and talking with merchants, neighbors, and other stakeholders in the area. The project team also presented the project through targeted stakeholder meetings with project presentations in person and virtually. In addition to these outreach activities, staff also met with key internal stakeholders to discuss designs, including transit, parking enforcement, the SF Fire Department, and the Port of San Francisco.
In December 2023 and January 2024, a virtual open house was held with virtual office hours and an accompanying survey. Project staff reviewed open house feedback and compiled an outreach summary report that also includes staff responses to survey respondents’ questions. Please click this link to review our outreach summary (PDF).
Next steps for the 3rd Street Quick-Build project include additional staff review followed by SFMTA Board consideration this March. If approved by the Board, implementation is anticipated to be completed by the end of March.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to project staff with any questions or comments.
-3rd Street QB Project Team