Beginning Friday, February 1, 2019, new rules will apply to pickups at SFO
The new rules are based on the medallion type. Letters are being added to some vehicle numbers to indicate the medallion type.
All policies are subject to change and modification based on operational needs. Taxi drivers should always follow the instructions of the taxi starter.P-Taxis
Vehicle number begins with a “P”. Vehicles operating Purchased medallions must have a "p" prefix applied to the medallion number on the outside of the vehicle. (Sample photo below)
The short system is the same
Drivers receive expedited access
Enter Lot 3 as normal
Immediately turn LEFT into new bypass lane
Cross into Lot 4
Exit Lot 4 as directed by staff
Merge with K-Taxis from Lot 3
Cross into Lot 2
• Drivers do not wait in Lot 3. Lot 3 is for K-Taxis only. Wait in Lot 4.
• Drivers will get faster access to Lot 2, but once they are in Lot 2 the system is the same.
• Keep intersections clear.
• Drivers will be exited if the lots are full when they arrive.
Vehicle number begins with a “K”. Vehicles operating Post-K medallions must have a "K" prefix applied to their vehicle. (Sample photo below)
The short system is the same
Drivers receive regular access
Enter Lot 3 as normal
Line up in Lot 3 as normal
DO NOT enter Lot 4
Keep entrance to Lot 4 clear
Enter Lot 2 as directed by staff
• Do not enter Lot 4. Lot 4 is for P-Taxis only. Wait in Lot 3.
• P-Taxis will get faster access to Lot 2, but once you are in Lot 2 the system is the same.
• Keep intersections clear.
• Drivers will be exited if the lots are full when they arrive.
Ramp Taxis
The wheelchair-accessible taxi (numbered in the 9000s)
Have the same pickup privileges as “K-Taxis” (see “K-Taxis”)
SFMTA issues fast passes to ramp taxis that meet wheelchair pickup goals. Pass is issued monthly.
P-Taxi Pass: Drivers can use the “P-Taxi” expedited line (see “P-Taxis”)
Short Pass: Drivers can use the short line at any time
Drivers can use the fast pass credential an unlimited number of times during the valid month.
Only the driver who earned the fast pass can use it. See Appendix A for more detail.
All Other Taxis
Vehicle number begins with “T” or is numbered in the 2000s or 8000s. Vehicles operating Pre-K or Corporate medallions must have a 'T' prefix applied to their vehicle. (Sample photo below)
Drivers may only drop off passengers at SFO, they are not eligible to pick up passengers.
Current SFO Taxi Pickup Policy 2020.12.01
Summary of Metric Results from the 90 Day Report
Metric Results |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Average Overall Impact |
Metric Results Metric 1: Goal of 10% reduction in wait times at SFO for Purchased medallions. |
Q1 -27% |
Q3 -14% |
Average Overall Impact -16% |
Metric Results Metric 2: Goal of 10% increase in trips for Purchased medallions originating at SFO |
Q1 +136% |
Q2 +59% |
Q3 +50% |
Average Overall Impact +82% |
Metric Results Metric 3: Goal of 10% increase in average monthly fare revenue for Purchased medallion holders. |
Q1 +41% |
Q2 +13% |
Q3 +32% |
Average Overall Impact +29% |
Metric Results Metric 4: Goal of 5% increase in number of taxi trips originating in San Francisco proper. |
Q1 -16% |
Q2 -27% |
Q3 -34% |
Average Overall Impact -26% |
Metric Results Metric 5: Goal of 10% increase in wheelchair accessible ramp taxi pick-ups, paratransit users (including general public) |
Q1 +20% |
Q2 +40% |
Q3 +26% |
Average Overall Impact +29% |
Metric Results Metrics Met |
Q1 4/5 |
Q2 3/5 |
Q3 4/5 |
Average Overall Impact 4/5 |