SFMTA Announces the 2017 Sunday Streets Season

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The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), which oversees all surface transportation in the city including Muni, is excited to announce the return of the Sunday Streets season as the proud, primary sponsor of Livable City’s annual program. The 10th annual season kicks off on Sunday, March 12, 2017 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Mission neighborhood and will alternate between six neighborhoods through October 1st. These open street events focus on community involvement in fun, free and healthy activities.


The annual season of Sunday Streets reclaims streets for community health and transforms them into car free spaces for all to enjoy.  The mission event has historically been the host to Sunday Streets’ most popular route with 15,000 to 20,000 people.  


“Each San Francisco neighborhood and its community has a unique personality that is showcased during Sunday Streets,” said Mayor Ed Lee. “I love seeing residents come out, get involved, and explore and enjoy a new neighborhood through one of our City’s most popular family-friendly weekend activities.”


This year, activity hubs will be featuring dozens of free events offered by local merchants and will have something for everyone.  Art, music and dance, along with health, fitness, and community activities will be part of the show.


“These events are a wonderful way to get together as a community, meet your neighbors, have a great time in a healthy and safe space,” said Ed Reiskin, SFMTA Director of Transportation. “Sunday Streets has opened up more of our city in a way that you cannot see from behind the wheel of a car. Walking or biking a neighborhood can be a more intimate way to explore the city.”



Sunday Streets is also celebrating the 50th anniversary of The Summer of Love this year. It’s Your District will be sponsoring the Arts and Culture Hub at Sunday Streets, bringing a block of unique local art, music and history to each Sunday Streets event. Attractions will include Summer of Love exhibitions, art projects, live performances and family-friendly activities.


The 2017 Sunday Streets Season will occur over eight Sundays, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., showcasing the rich diversity of San Francisco:

March 12:  Season launch in the Mission
April 9:  Bayview/Dogpatch
April 30:  Tenderloin
June 11:  Sunset/Golden Gate Park
July 16:  Mission
August 20:  Tenderloin
September 10: Western Addition
October 1:   Excelsior                


SFMTA will have a booth at the Bayview/Dogpatch event on April 9th.  On display will be the 2017 Muni Art, which will be given away as prizes for transportation trivia games. 

Sunday Streets is a true collaboration of leadership and resources. This season would not be possible without the support of the San Francisco Department of Public Health and the Shape Up SF Coalition. Additional City support comes from the Department of Public Works, Recreation & Parks Department, SF Police Department, SF County Transportation Authority, San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee and the SF Board of Supervisors.


For more information on the Sunday Streets events and SFMTA involvement please visit sfmta.com/sundaystreets.


Additional information on each neighborhood’s activities and maps may be found at SundayStreetsSF.com. Sunday Streets is seeking volunteers. To learn how to help, visit sundaystreetssf.com/volunteer.