Press Release - San Francisco Breaks Ground on Folsom Streetscape Project

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The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), San Francisco Public Works and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission have launched construction on the Folsom Streetscape Project. The joint effort is the first piece of the larger Folsom Howard Streetscape Project that will prepare the South of Market Neighborhood for future growth and activity. The project coordinated with the community to embark on these restoration plans to beautify the area’s public spaces. Key improvements from the project for people bicycling, walking and riding transit will invite more people to this famous corridor and all it has to offer. Construction on Howard Street is expected to begin in 2025.  

“As a neighborhood resident, pedestrian and frequent bike share user, I’m excited to see this improvement project breaking ground,” said District 6 Supervisor Matt Dorsey, “Folsom Street is the beating heart of SoMa, and I’m committed to working closely with our partners from SFMTA and Public Works to ensure this project minimizes disruptions to our residents and small businesses and delivers lasting value to our neighborhood.” 

Caltrans District 4 and the San Francisco County Transportation Authority are providing support for this critical project that will improve connectivity to key local destinations like Bessie Carmichael School, Bayanihan Community Center, Victoria Manolo Graves Park and Gene Friend Recreational Center. The Folsom Streetscape Project will create safer and more inviting public spaces and travel connections for residents of SoMa and people visiting the area to enjoy one of the many local businesses. 

"We are excited to see the transformation of Folsom Street come to fruition with the construction of a new transit lane for Muni, two-way protected bicycle lane and many pedestrian upgrades that will make the corridor safer for residents and visitors alike," said San Francisco County Transportation Authority Chair Rafael Mandelman (District 8 Supervisor). "The Transportation Authority was proud to provide and prioritize $11 million in Prop L half-cent transportation sales tax and other funds for this innovative project." 

“I first fell in love with Folsom Street in the 1980’s. It's always been the center of diverse communities,” said SFMTA Director of Transportation Jeffrey Tumlin. “As SoMa welcomes new housing and new neighbors, we're glad that the San Francisco County Transportation Authority and Caltrans District 4 have helped us fund a new Folsom that celebrates its role as its neighborhoods' commercial, social and cultural hearts.”  

Efforts for the Folsom Streetscape Project began in 2016 with the project team meeting with stakeholders to discuss areas of high concern and suggested improvements. Local neighborhood organizations were consulted early in the planning process about how cultural heritage and historic markers could be included in the project.  

“This collaborative project combines thoughtful planning, smart design, community input and a strong commitment from the city to create a safer, more inviting and greener Folsom corridor,” said San Francisco Public Works Director Carla Short. “This reimagined streetscape will bring much-needed improvements to the South of Market neighborhood.”  

After three years of outreach, the SFMTA project team incorporated these concerns and created the Folsom-Howard Streetscape Project. Community outreach will continue as Folsom Streetscape Project proceeds to the construction phase and the Howard Streetscape Project proceeds to detailed design. Folsom street between 2nd and 11th streets are set for these improvements to people walking, biking and taking transit:  

  • A permanent two-way separated bikeway using a concrete island 
  • Added traffic and corridor wide bike signals 
  • The removal of one to two eastbound vehicle travel lanes 
  • Protected corners at intersections 
  • Corner bulb-outs 
  • Raised crosswalks at alleyways 
  • Mid-block crosswalks  
  • Crosswalks at alleyways and minor streets 
  • A transit only lane 
  • Transit boarding islands 
  • Improved curb management 
  • Enhance the public realm with tree-lined medians and Civic Amenity Zones (e.g. customized pavers, historic plaques, district street signs) that uplift the cultural history of SoMa Pilipinas and Leather and LGBTQ Cultural Districts.  
  • Upgraded sewer and utility infrastructure. 

Folsom and Howard streets are part of San Francisco’s Vision Zero High Injury Network, the 12 percent of San Francisco streets where 68 percent of severe and fatal traffic collisions occur. This project will provide much needed safety improvements aligned with San Francisco’s Transportation Vision created by Mayor London Breed. The City of San Francisco is committed to making improvements to this diverse and inclusive area that has so much to celebrate through its rich cultural heritage. Find more details and subscribe for updates at the Folsom Howard Streetscape Project webpage (  


The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) is a department of the City and County of San Francisco responsible for the management of all ground transportation in the city. The SFMTA has oversight over the Municipal Railway (Muni) public transit, as well as bicycling, paratransit, parking, traffic, walking, and taxis. Established by voter mandate in 1999, the SFMTA aggregated multiple San Francisco city agencies, including the Department of Parking and Traffic, Muni, and since 2007, the Taxi Commission.  
