Assemblymember David Chiu and Transit Advocates Announce Legislation to Improve Muni and Make Streets Safer

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AB 1287 and TOLE Map 3.30.15.pdf

Muni Forward Transit-Only Lane Enforcement Fact Sheet (.pdf)

Assemblymember David Chiu today joined the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) and other transit officials and advocates to announce Assembly Bill 1287 that will reauthorize San Francisco’s Transit-Only Lane Enforcement (TOLE) program and expand it to cover other moving violations that impede or interfere with transit performance and public safety. The goal of the program is to improve transit safety and reliability by discouraging vehicles from obstructing transit-only lanes. Violations include “blocking the box” at congested intersections and driving in designated transit-only lanes. 

Full release (.pdf) posted above.