TaxiVQ Updates, Questions and Suggestions 3.15.2022

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Effective Date

Updated Time: SFO will hold an online meeting on Tuesday, March 15 at 12:00pm for the purpose of providing the industry with updates on the TaxiVQ app, answering questions and taking feedback. The meeting will be specifically limited to TaxiVQ and will not address other topics.

Please join us the online presentation
Or call in (audio only) by dialing:
(650) 466 0290
And entering meeting ID:
851 928 002 #
Smartphone quick-dial:
+1 650-466-0290,,851928002#
Phone participants, please dial *5 hand raise to request a turn to speak (also to lower hand)
Dial *6 to unmute yourself after you are called on and your mic is enabled by the organizer