Short Verification in SFO

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Taxi Industry

TO: San Francisco Taxi Drivers

From: SFO

In normal operations, Taxi Drivers use the TaxiVQ app to automatically track and verify short trips. Recently, SFO has noticed an increase in drivers reporting that the app has failed during the short tracking process. While SFO recognizes that the app is not perfect and a failure is possible, evidence has emerged that some drivers are falsifying technology failures to cheat, claiming long trips as shorts. Moving forward, please remember to save a copy of your waybill and meter receipt whenever you are on a short. You will be required to provide these if your TaxiVQ app has a failure and we need to manually validate your short.

SFO considers any attempt to cheat the system and gain advantage over other drivers as serious violation. Any driver found to be engaging in short fraud will be subject to a minimum 14-day suspension from Airport operations. Short fraud includes, but is not limited to:

- Purposefully causing the TaxiVQ app to fail
- Claiming inaccurately that the TaxiVQ app has failed
- Knowingly providing a false passenger destination to Airport Staff

As a reminder, short fraud includes any intentional behavior designed to give you an unfair advantage over other taxi drivers using the TaxiVQ system, not just the examples