Reminder Regarding Credit Card Receipts

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Taxi Industry

To: San Francisco Taxi Drivers, Medallion Holders and Color Schemes

San Francisco Taxi Drivers are permitted to utilize third party credit card processors such as Square.  Please be reminded that the receipt provided to the customer must include the identity of the driver on the receipt.  Drivers who fail to include this information on the receipt may be subject to a $150 fine per occurrence. 

If you use Square or another similar payment processor, please ensure that you are in compliance with this requirement. 

SEC. 1124.  Taxi Fares and Fees; Gate Fees  

   (d)   Payment of Taxi Fares and Fees by Credit Cards. 

      (1)   Credit Card Processing Fees. A Driver may elect to establish their own account for credit card payment processing with any merchant account service that conforms to PCI DSS standards and provides an electronic or paper receipt clearly indicating that the payment was made for San Francisco taxicab fare, the date, the fare amount, the identity of the driver, and a toll-free number for passenger and Driver payment inquiries to the merchant account holder or its customer service representative; provided, however, that a Driver must allow a passenger to choose to pay the fare using any available payment system, at the passenger’s option. No Color Scheme may retaliate against a Driver for electing, or not electing, to establish their own credit card processing account.

If you have any questions, please email

Philip Cranna
Enforcement and Legal Affairs Manager, Taxi Services