Reminder Regarding Affiliation with a Dispatch Service

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Taxi Industry

To: Color Scheme Managers,

It has come to my attention that some Color Schemes have not completed the requisite form to affiliate with a Dispatch Service and are therefore not officially affiliated with a Dispatch. 

The fine for violations of this section is $150 per day.  Please verify that your Color Scheme is in compliance by contacting Sarah Hellman as soon as possible. 

Any Color Schemes that are not in compliance by April 1, 2022 may be subject to fines. 

SEC. 1106.  Conditions Applicable to Color Scheme Permits.

   (c)   Use of Dispatch Service. Each Color Scheme shall ensure that all Medallion Holders affiliated with that Color Scheme utilize the same Dispatch Service utilized by the Color Scheme. A Color Scheme must obtain the prior written approval of the SFMTA before changing Dispatch Services. A Color Scheme request for change of Dispatch Service shall be approved unless the Color Scheme or the Dispatch Service is on Administrative Probation.

If you have any questions, please email

Philip Cranna
Enforcement and Legal Affairs Manager, Taxi Services