Payment System and Pickup Policy Updates in SFO

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Taxi Industry

Payment System Updates

SFO’s online payment portal for taxi drivers started experiencing slowdowns and/or periods of unavailability last Friday, March 12th at about 7pm. As a result, some drivers have been unable to load funds on their A-cards and have depleted existing funds. In the event you reach the payment gate at SFO without adequate funds on your A-Card, Curbside staff will log your information and manually open the gate. You will be billed for the trip fees at a later date. Please attempt to log on and add funds before coming to the gate, as the system should be slow but functioning at this point.

Pickup Policy (Reminder)

Taxi drivers are reminded that only Purchased (P) medallions and ramp taxis (9000s) are permitted to pick up customers at SFO taxi stands. If you are making a personal pickup or picking up a pre-arranged customer in a T or K medallion taxi, you must pull a parking ticket, park in the garage as a private vehicle, and meet your passenger on foot. You may not use the taxi stand in a T or K cab under any circumstances.

Please contact the curbside management office at 650-821-2700 with any questions.

Seth Morgan
Senior Transportation Planner
SFO Landside Operations