Notice of Tree Removal at 2700 Folsom Street

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Effective Date

Location: 2700 Folsom Street at 23rd Street (southwest corner)

# of Trees: One (1) Chinese Elm (Ulmus parvifolia)

Posting Period: (30 days) From: 6/17/2024 Through: 7/17/2024

As part of the Traffic Signal Upgrade Contract 35, the SFMTA proposes to remove the tree at the above location to facilitate the installation of a new accessible pedestrian signal pole foundation. The tree is being proposed for removal for the following reasons:

  1. The proposed pole foundation will impact the tree roots and is highly likely to cause the already leaning tree to topple. This recommendation is being made following a professional arborist assessment. The tree is in direct conflict with construction and excavation activities associated with the traffic signal upgrade’s proposed poles that are needed to fulfill federal accessibility requirements.
  2. The existing tree roots continue to uplift the sidewalk over time, creating a tripping hazard.
  3. The tree’s leaves and branches have obscured the existing traffic signals in the past, and removal would address the obscurement concerns. 
  4. The tree does not meet the current Public Works tree planting guidelines which do not permit trees within 5 feet of the exit approach of an intersection and do not allow trees within 5 feet of a traffic signal.
  5. While efforts have been made to try to retain the tree, no feasible design alternative was found.

No replacement trees are planned.

Please direct any questions regarding this action to the SFMTA before the end of the posting period, via the following:

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency - Streets Division
ATTN: Dusson Yeung
1 South Van Ness Ave, 7th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103

Or email:

Tree outside 2300 Folsom Street at 23rd Street - southwest corner

The one tree on Folsom Street at 23rd Street (southwest corner) planned for removal is shown