Engineering Public Hearing Agenda, May 5, 2023

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28th Avenue at Rivera Street


28th Avenue, northbound and southbound, at Rivera Street, making this intersection an all-way STOP (Supervisor District 4) (Approvable by the City Traffic Engineer) Jeffrey Tom,


Proposal to make this intersection an all-way STOP to address recent collisions.


Kearny Street at California Street – No Right Turn on Red


Kearny Street, northbound, at California Street (Supervisor District 3)

(Approvable by the City Traffic Engineer) Sebastian Arias,


Proposal to restrict northbound right turns on red light to reduce potential traffic conflicts with eastbound cable cars.


Ulloa Street between 24th Avenue and 25th Avenue – Red Zone


A. Ulloa Street, north side, from 24th Avenue to 17 feet easterly

B. Ulloa Street, south side, from 24th Avenue to 20 feet westerly

C. 24th Avenue, east side, from Ulloa Street to 20 feet southerly

D. 24th Avenue, west side, from Ulloa Street to 8 feet northerly

E. Ulloa Street, north side, from 25th Avenue to 16 feet easterly

F. Ulloa Street, south side, from 25th Avenue to 20 feet westerly

G. 25th Avenue, east side, from Ulloa Street to 20 feet southerly

H. 25th Avenue, west side, from Ulloa Street to 20 feet northerly

(Supervisor District 4) (Approvable by the City Traffic Engineer)

André Wright,


Proposal to install red zones to increase visibility of vehicles and pedestrians at the intersections.





Categorically exempt from Environmental Review: CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Class 1(c): Operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle

and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities.

April 24, 2023




Andrea Contreras, SFMTA Date


The following items are pending environmental clearance by the Planning Department, 29 Sunset Improvement Project Phase One (Project Case 2022-005492ENV):


29 Sunset Improvement Project – Phase 1 (Additional Items Before MTAB)


A. 25th Avenue, east side, from California Street to 20 feet southerly

B. 25th Avenue, west side, from Clement Street to 20 feet northerly

C. Beverly Street, east side, from Holloway Avenue to 30 feet southerly (extends existing red zone 15 feet) (Supervisor Districts 1, 11) (Requires approval by the SFMTA Board) Hester Yu,


Proposal to implement stop optimization and accompanying curb changes through 29 Sunset Improvement Project – Phase 1.


The following items have been environmentally cleared by the Planning Department on

October 19, 2015, SFMTA Bay Area Bicycle Share Project (Case 2015-005492ENV):


Taylor Street at Columbus Avenue – Bike Share Station



Taylor Street, west side, from 43 feet to 122 feet south of Columbus Avenue

(Supervisor District 3) (Approvable by the City Traffic Engineer) Laura Stonehill,


Proposal to install a Bay Wheels bike share station in the parking lane on the west side of Taylor Street, south of Columbus Avenue, adjacent to 2295 Taylor Street, formerly occupied by the Academy of Art University. This is an alternative proposal to the Chestnut/Columbus proposal that was presented to the public at the 2/3/23 public hearing.



Members of the public may provide comments on matters that are not on today’s calendar.


California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Appeal Rights under Chapter 31 of the San Francisco Administrative Code: For Approval Actions, the Planning Department has issued a CEQA exemption determination or negative declaration, which may be viewed online at Following approval of the item by the SFMTA City Traffic Engineer, the CEQA determination is subject to appeal within the time frame specified in S.F. Administrative Code Section 31.16, typically within 30 calendar days of the Approval Action. For information on filing a CEQA appeal, contact the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244, San Francisco, CA 94102, or call (415) 554-5184. Under CEQA, in a later court challenge, a litigant may be limited to raising only those issues previously raised at a hearing on the project or in written correspondence delivered to the Board of Supervisors or other City board, commission or department at, or prior to, such hearing, or as part of the appeal hearing process on the CEQA decision.

Whether the City Traffic Engineer’s decision is considered a Final SFMTA Decision is determined by Division II, Section 203 of the Transportation Code. If the City Traffic Engineer approves a parking or traffic modification, this decision is SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION AGENCY Order # 6646 FOR PUBLIC HEARING



considered a Final SFMTA Decision. If a City Traffic Engineer disapproves a parking or traffic modification and a member of the public requests SFMTA review of that decision, the additional review shall be conducted pursuant to Division II, Section 203 of the Transportation Code. City Traffic Engineer decisions will be posted on by 5 p.m. on the Friday following the public hearing. Final SFMTA Decisions involving certain parking or traffic modifications, whether made by the City Traffic Engineer or the SFMTA Board, can be reviewed by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Ordinance 127-18. Information about the review process can be found at

Approved for Public Hearing by:




Ricardo Olea

City Traffic Engineer

Streets Division


cc: James Lee, SFMTA Parking and Enforcement

Matt Lee, SFMTA Service Planning


ISSUE DATE: 4/19/23*