Better Market Street from 5th to 8th streets - Outreach to taxis until November 30, 2020

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Taxi Industry

Moving Forward The COVID-19 global pandemic has devastated the San Francisco economy, forcing the Better Market Street project to be rethought due to unprecedented budget challenges that are expected to linger for years. Moving forward, the Better Market Street project must be designed to reduce construction impacts on local businesses to support their recovery. Additional improvements can be incorporated in phases when the economy recovers and funding becomes available. Building on the achievements of car-free Market, the Better Market Street project will deliver Vision Zero safety and Muni reliability improvements in several phases over the coming years. The next phase – from 5th to 8th streets – will move into construction mid2021.

Bike lane on Market Street

We’ve extended out virtual public open house to November 30 and encourage taxi stakeholders to check it out and share feedback through our survey. You can find all of this on Better Market Street and Learn more about the proposed project by participating in community meetings.