2023.2.1 PC&O meeting

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Taxi Industry

Our Paratransit Coordinating Council (PCC) would like to cordially invite you to the next Paratransit Coordination and Operations subcommittee meeting for Taxi/Ramp Taxi on Wednesday, February 1, 2023 from 10:30am – 12:30pm. Over the past several months, various accessibility and paratransit stakeholders have identified several ongoing issues within the taxi industry that is impact service. This meeting will provide you an opportunity to present the work you have been doing within your taxi companies to enhance service and address some of their concerns. The goal of this meeting is to provide a forum to all parties to discuss what could be done to improve the taxi service for seniors and persons with disabilities. SFMTA staff, including the Director of Taxis, Access, and Mobility Services, will be attendance and we hope that you understand the importance of connecting to this important ridership base of the taxi industry.

The meeting agenda is attached and below is the Zoom information to log in:

Join On-line here

Join by Phone:

Toll-free number: (877) 853-5257
Meeting ID: 867 5969 9128
Passcode: 489217