Contractor Parking Permits exempt the permit holder from meter payment and time limits in Residential Parking Permit Areas.
Contractor Parking Permits may be issued to commercial vehicles used by a business holding a California Contractor's license for a trade related to construction or pest control services.
Vehicles possessing a Contractor's permit are allowed to park at parking meters and in Residential Parking Permit areas, subject to the restrictions detailed in the San Francisco Transportation Code. Parking in yellow metered zones is subject to time restrictions. Parking in yellow truck loading zones (6 or more wheels) is prohibited.
New Contractor Permits are issued by the SFMTA throughout the calendar year, but all Contractor Permits expire on May 31 of each year. Annual renewal notices are sent to all permit holders in late March.
Pursuant to San Francisco Transportation Code 906 (B)(5), the permit may not be used at a parking meter within one thousand five hundred feet or three blocks (whichever is greater) of the Contractor's registered principal business address or any satellite office, unless persons are actively engaged in loading and unloading of materials and supplies.
Contractor permits are issued only vehicles with commercial license plates. All eligible vehicles must have the company name and State Contractor's License Number permanently displayed on both side panels of the vehicle in lettering a minimum height of one and one-half inch. An inspection may be required on all new vehicles. Other vehicles may be re-inspected at the discretion of the Department. Vehicles with improperly displayed credentials may be cited for permit misuse and for posted parking restrictions and time limits.
Permits will not be issued to any vehicle with one or more outstanding parking citations. Look up citation information and make a payment online here.
$2,412 per permit
*6 month prorated fee $1,206
Transfer/Replacement Fee: $25
Every year you will receive a renewal notice in the mail.
Apply for renewal online using the Account and PIN number provided on the renewal notice you received in the mail. Renewal notices are mailed 4 weeks before the area permit expires.
You will need to reapply for your permit if you have lost your renewal notice or PIN number.
All Contractor applications will be processed by mail only. The application can be printed and submitted for new or renewal permits.
Please send completed applications to:
SFMTA Contractor Permits
11 South Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94103
Please submit copies of the following for each vehicle: your current business registration certificate, current contractor's license, a valid vehicle registration, and a separate check for each permit. The check will be returned if one payment is submitted for multiple vehicles.
Once the application is processed, permits for vehicles not requiring an inspection will be mailed. Please note that the application process can take up to three weeks, and early submission is encouraged for faster processing. If an inspection is required, you will be notified by mail. Vehicles passing inspection will be issued permits at the time of the inspection.
To obtain a replacement permit you must mail a Permit Replacement Form and required documentation to:
SFMTA Contractor Permits
11 South Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94103
Fee: $25.00
Short term Contractor Permits are issued to:
- New vehicles without a permanent license plate; &
- Rental vehicles while your vehicle is in the shop for repairs
Please complete the Permit Replacement Form if you are in need of a temporary permit.