Flashing Beacons

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Pedestrians cross a street marked with a continental crosswalk; there is a bright yellow sign at the corner with flashing yellow lights alerting drivers to the people in the intersection

What are they? 

Flashing beacons are safety enhancements added at crossings, typically under the pedestrian sign. When a pedestrian crosses the street, the lights flash, alerting drivers to yield before the intersection.   

How do they work? 

At unsignalized intersections—for example, at blocks between traffic signals—flashing beacons can raise driver awareness and encourage caution. These flashing beacons, which are activated when someone crosses the street, add visibility to pedestrians and cyclists and have been shown, in data from the Federal Highway Administration, to increase the rate of drivers yielding at intersections from 18% to 81%. 

Where to find flashing beacons in San Francisco 

  • Elk and Sussex Street intersection: In Glen Park, flashing beacons were added to a pedestrian crossing at Sussex Street along with a suite of pedestrian safety upgrades. 
  • Arguello Boulevard Safety Project: At the intersection with Cabrillo Street, push-activated flashing beacons were installed to facilitate safe pedestrian crossings.