FINAL UPDATE: IB #KIngelside cleared near Ocean and Aptos. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.
Muni Alerts
FINAL UPDATE: IB/OB Powell and California Cable Car lines cleared at Powell and California. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.
ATTN: IB #KIngelside delayed near Ocean and Aptos due to a Muni-involved collision. Bus shuttles en route btwn San Jose & Geneva and West Portal. Will update.
ATTN: IB/OB Powell and California cable car lines are delayed at Powell and California due to a cable issue.
FINAL UPDATE: California Cable Car line cleared and resuming regular service. Expect residual delays.
ATTN: California Cable Car line delayed due to a mechanical issue. Working to resolve. Will update.
FINAL UPDATE: OB California Cable Car Line cleared at California btwn Van Ness and Drumm. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.
ATTN: OB California Cable Car Line delayed at California btwn Van Ness and Drumm due to #SFFD activity. Will update.
FINAL UPDATE: IB/OB 22 cleared at 16th & Missouri. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.
UPDATE: OB 22 rerouting via 16th-Connecticut-17th-Missouri-16th. Will update.
FINAL UPDATE: OB #NJudah cleared at Irving and 6th. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.
ATTN: OB #NJudah delayed at Irving and 6th due to a mechanical issue. Will update.
ATTN: IB 22 rerouting around 16th & Missouri due to a non-Muni collision. IB via 16th-Missouri-17th-Connecticut-16th. Will update.