ATTN: In observance of the #LaborDay holiday #SFMuni will operate on a Sunday schedule today;There will be no rea
Muni Alerts
HeadsUp: In observance of the #LaborDay holiday, there will be no real-time service monitoring of this account tomo
ATTN: IB 29 rerouting around Bill Walsh & Gilman due to vehicles blocking. IB 29 Reroute: Via Hawes-Gilman to regular route.
ATTN: IB 29 rerouting around Bill Walsh & Gilman due to vehicles blocking. IB 29 Reroute: Via Hawes-Gilman to regular route. Will update.
HeadsUp: Tomorrow, #LaborDay, #SFMuni will be operating on a Sunday schedule. Parking Meters and Nightly Street Swe
FINAL UPDATE: #TThird cleared at 3rd b/w Gilman & Paul. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.
ATTN: #TThird delayed at 3rd b/w Gilman & Paul due to a downed traffic signal. Trains switching back IB to OB at Ar
FINAL UPDATE: OB 28 cleared at Park Presidio b/w Anza and Balboa. Regular service resuming. Expect rolling delays.
FINAL UPDATE: OB 28 cleared Park Presidio b/w Anza and Balboa. Regular service resuming. Expect rolling delays.
ATTN: OB 28 rerouting around Park Presidio b/w Anza and Balboa due to a downed tree. Reroute: Anza-14th-Cabrillo-Pa
HeadsUp: On Monday, #LaborDay, #SFMuni will be operating on a Sunday schedule. Parking Meters and Nightly Street Sw
ATTN: Revenue service on the Powell/Hyde Cable Car Line resumes TODAY!!! Daily service will operate from 7 a.m. to
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Diamond and Diamond Heights has cleared. IB/OB 52 resuming regular service.
ATTN: IB/OB 52 blocked at Diamond and Diamond Heights by #SFPD activity. The 52 will reroute via Elk btwn Diamond H
HeadsUp: Next Monday, #LaborDay, #SFMuni will be operating on a Sunday schedule. Parking Meters and Nightly Street
Reminder: Powell Hyde Cable Car service resumes TOMORROW!
UPDATE CORRECTION: OB 8 resuming regular route but IB 8 will continue to use alternate street reroute due to heavy
FINAL UPDATE: IB/OB 8 resuming regular service along 101.
HeadsUp:It's happening THIS Sat., 9/4 - The Powell/Hyde Cable Car Line returns to revenue service - operatin
ATTN: IB/OB 8 will use alternate street reroute due to heavy traffic along both north and south 101.