UPDATE: IB/OB #TThird & #NJudah experiencing delays due to signal issue on 4th Street Bridge. Northbound T trains t https://t.co/SSgey4YtgC
Muni Alerts
UPDATE: IB/OB #TThird & #NJudah experiencing delays at 4th Street Bridge. Northbound T trains to switch back @ 3rd/ https://t.co/YZlpO62QoQ
ATTN: #FMarket delayed at Market and Van Ness due to a minor medical emergency. Streetcars switching back at Ferry Plaza. Will update.
UPDATE: Northbound T trains to switch back @ 3rd/Channel; passengers transfer to bus shuttles @ 3rd/Mission Rock. B https://t.co/TD9pJOaRfg
ATTN: IB/OB #TThird delayed on the 4th Street Bridge due to a signal issue. Will update.
Reminder: Due to an electrical issue at the Barn, Cable Cars have been replaced with limited bus service on all lin https://t.co/TErsHpEBFo
Reminder: Due to an electrical issue at the Barn, Cable Cars have been replaced with limited bus service on all lin https://t.co/bNgIDDv3FH
FINAL UPDATE: IB #SubwaySvc cleared at Embarcadero Station. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays. https://t.co/vjB1HzzFxc
ATTN: IB #SubwaySvc delay at Embarcadero Station due to a mechanical issue. Working to clear. Will update.
ATTN: IB 5 rerouting around McAllister and Fillmore due to a vehicle blockage. IB Reroute: Via McAllister-Fillmore- https://t.co/Bx8KTPP44H
ATTN: IB 5, 5R rerouting around McAllister and Fillmore due to a vehicle blockage. IB Reroute: Via McAllister-Fillm https://t.co/BQoOYVKFFI
Reminder: Due to an electrical issue at the Barn, Cable Cars have been replaced with limited bus service on all lin https://t.co/CAoFh0Luds
REMINDER: Due to an electrical issue at the Barn, Cable Cars have been replaced with limited bus service on all lin https://t.co/Sg6T6ZSwb6
UPDATE: Due to an electrical issue at the Cable Car Barn, all Cable Car lines will be motorized until further notic https://t.co/91yvFdvrOY
UPDATE: Due to an electrical issue at the Cable Car Barn, all Cable Car lines will be served by bus shuttles until https://t.co/SBg5ihuosu
FINAL UPDATE: IB #SFMuni Market Street lines now resuming regular service. Expect residual delays as we balance ser https://t.co/oaLs9Xdzul
ATTN: IB #SFMuni Market Street svc blocked at Market & 6th by emergency vehicles. IB bus svc routing via 6th, Missi https://t.co/IZdTodTYqs
FINAL UPDATE: IB #SubwaySvc cleared at Castro Station. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays. https://t.co/In8anEWil7
ATTN: IB #SubwaySvc delay at Castro Station due to a mechanical issue. Will update.