HeadsUp: Peak Hour Tow-Away Zone enforcement resumes on Mon., 9/20. Parking Control Officers will issue warning not https://t.co/pGx3S3B5LR
Muni Alerts
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at 3rd/Mission rock cleared. IB #TThird has resumed regular service. https://t.co/8Gvh3tPUUN
ATTN: IB (southbound) #TThird delayed at 3rd/Mission Rock due to police activity. Will update.
Reminder: Today 5:30p-7p, @jeffreytumlin and the planning team will be presenting online @SFTRU 2022 Muni Service https://t.co/QFW9nqF3m0
Reminder: Cable Car service remains unavailable & has been replaced w/ limited bus service on all three lines until https://t.co/7juvclmTJX
ATTN: Report of a non-Muni collision at Van Ness and McAllister. Possible IB 49 reroute via McAllister to Polk to T https://t.co/DPntmb67FJ
FINAL UPDATE: Delay on Geary btwn Polk and VN has cleared. OB 38/38R are resuming regular service. https://t.co/JE84adA54C
ATTN: OB 38/38R blocked at Geary btwn Polk and VN by a non-Muni collision. OB coaches will reroute via Polk to Sutt https://t.co/qEWFbrkOGL
ATTN: The 43 is and will continue to experience extended wait times this evening due to a couple of coaches not bei https://t.co/ty1ZehRMiU
ATTN: Due to a @SFBART delay at Powell Station, #SFMuni will provide mutual assistance for BART customers via https://t.co/LFEbaf32JH
FINAL UPDATE: Delay on Eddy btwn Taylor and Mason has cleared. IB 31 resuming regular route. https://t.co/wluvdoZ62c
UPDATE: IB 31 rerouting via Taylor to O'Farrell to Mason back to Eddy. https://t.co/wluvdoZ62c
ATTN: IB 31 blocked along Eddy btwn Taylor and Mason due to #SFFD activity. Expect svc delays and reroute. https://t.co/r2uSeHGtxC
ATTN: IB 31 delayed along Eddy btwn Taylor and Mason due to #SFFD activity. Expect svc delays and reroute. https://t.co/r2uSeHGtxC
Reminder: Cable Car service remains unavailable & has been replaced w/ limited bus service on all three lines until https://t.co/bOG33FDTqa
Reminder: Due to an electrical issue at the Barn, Cable Cars have been replaced with limited bus service on all lin https://t.co/BkAZTQBtbh
FINAL UPDATE: OB #FMarket cleared at Market and Church. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays. https://t.co/e39WRTmX0a
ATTN: OB #FMarket delayed at Market and Church due to a minor medical emergency. Expect OB F to switchback at the F https://t.co/ZTYfnCflcT
FINAL UPDATE: #TTThird & #NJudah trains resuming regular service near the 4th Street Bridge. Expect residual delays https://t.co/MWdub3Whtp
FINAL UPDATE: #FMarket cleared at Market and Van Ness. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays. https://t.co/2pNTtOI0eE