ATTN: OB 54 Felton rerouting via Geneva-Ocean-Plymouth due to blockage at Howth/Geneva. Stops on Howth @ Geneva, Niagara & Mt. Vernon missed.Stops on Grafton @ Harold & Plymouth missed. Board @ Balboa Park OR Plymouth/Lakeview.
Muni Alerts
ATTN: IB/OB #NJudah delayed due to downed overhead wires at Judah/21st. OB N trains will switchback at Carl/Hillway. Bus shuttles being arranged to provide svc btwn the beach and Church/Duboce in both directions.
ATTN: OB 19 delayed at Polk and Union due to #SFFD activity. Reroute via Polk-Union-Larkin-Green-Polk to regular route.
ATTN: Chinese New Year @ymcasf Run is underway and reroutes for the 12, 30, and 45 are now in effect. Other routes in the area may experience minor delays.
HeadsUp: Chinese New Year @ymcasf Run is today, 8 a.m. The 12, 30, and 45 will have reroutes. Other routes in the area may experience minor delays.
FINAL UPDATE: OB #NJudah cleared at Embarcadero and Brannan. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.
ATTN: OB #NJudah delayed at Embarcadero and Brannan due to an overhead issue. Will update.
FINAL UPDATE: Powell Cable Car Line currently cleared at Union Square. Regular service now resuming.
FINAL UPDATE: OB 38 cleared at Geary and Stockton. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.
ATTN: OB 38 rerouting around Geary and Stockton due to an event. Reroute via Kearny-Sutter-Mason-Geary to regular route. Will update.
UPDATE: Reroute via Kearny-Sutter-Mason to regular route.
ATTN: OB 38 delayed at Geary and Stockton due to reports of a demonstration march. Will update.
FINAL UPDATE: Powell Cable Car Line cleared at Union Square. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.
ATTN: Powell Cable Car Line currently delayed due to an event at Union Square. Should clear soon. Will update.
HeadsUp: Chinese New Year @ymcasf Run is tomorrow, 8 a.m. The 12, 30, and 45 will have reroutes. Other routes in the area may experience minor delays.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at San Jose and Randall has cleared. IB/OB #JChurch resuming regular service.
UPDATE: OB #JChurch switching back at Church and Day. Bus shuttles, once in place, will provide svc btwn Day and Balboa Park.
UPDATE: OB #JCHurch switching back at Church and Day. Bus shuttles, once in place, will provide svc btwn Day and Balboa Park.
ATTN: OB #JChurch blocked at San Jose and Randall due to an automobile on the track way.
ATTN: IB 29 blocked by #SFPD activity near Bill Walsh Way. IB 29 will route via Hawes to Gilman.