Muni Art 2020 - Matthew Zapruder Poet Page

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The Antidote To Fascism Is Poetry

dear hidden gems
riding on the bus

your green glow
has something to say

to the artificial mind
alive in those buildings

where time’s spiders
were invented to eat

the continual terrible
boredom we emanate

looking down at our phones
instead of a tree

under that cloud
that looks like a door

Matthew Zapruder, “The Antidote to Fascism is Poetry.” Reprinted with the permission of the author.
All rights reserved. Muni Art 2020, San Francisco Beautiful,

Matthew Zapruder

Portrait of Poet Matthew Zapruder
photo credit: B.A. Van Sise

Matthew Zapruder is the author of five collections of poetry, most recently Father’s Day, from Copper Canyon in Fall 2019, as well as Why Poetry, a book of prose. He is editor at large at Wave Books, where he edits contemporary poetry, prose, and translations. He teaches in the MFA and English Department at Saint Mary’s College of California.

Artist Interpretations

San Francisco's Ferry Building shining as if a beacon of hope
Vanessa Fajardo

Illustration of a giant rabbit behind a speeding train filled with passengers
Jocelyn Li Legrand

stylized photos of people with varied colors
Shannon Bodrogi

Vertical lines of color
Wendy Ackrell

Collage of images including a reporter with a mask, various people, and the words "What magic is new"
Skooter Fein