Transit and pedestrian safety upgrades will enhance the safety of passengers getting on and off Muni and make the L Taraval more reliable. Features include stop changes, new upgraded boarding islands, new overhead contact system (OCS) poles and turn restrictions. The new streetscape style elements including tree selection, decorative crosswalks, trackway accent colors and public art additions were based on community feedback. They will make the corridor even more inviting to residents and visitors alike.
Find the block-by-block project drawings below.
Ulloa Street - Funston and Forest Side avenues, bus stop removal at 15th Avenue and Taraval Street, southeast corner, bus stop removal Taraval Street and 15th Avenue northeast corner, new transit Bulb
Taraval Street
16th to 17th avenues, southside, relocate stop.
17th and 18th avenues, new traffic signals.
17th, 18th, 19th and 20th avenues, new high-level accessible platforms
Taraval Street - 21st to 24th avenues
21st, 22nd, and 24th avenues, new pedestrian bulbs
21st to 22nd, and 23rd avenues, extend transit island
22nd, 24th avenues, new traffic signals
23rd Avenue, add right turn only and no left turn onto Taraval Street
Taraval Street
26th, new boarding island
28th Avenue New high-level accessible platform and new traffic signal
Taraval Street
30th and 32nd Avenues, new boarding islands
32nd Avenue, New boarding island with high-level accessible platform
Taraval Street
33rd Avenue, new pedestrian bulbs
36th Avenue, extend transit island with accessible platform, no left turn, right turn only onto Taraval
Taraval Street
38th Avenue, New pedestrian bulbs
36th Avenue, extended transit island with accessible platform,
37th Avenue, extended transit island with accessible platform, no left turn onto Taraval Street, and right turn only onto Taraval Street
Taraval Street
40th and 42nd, new boarding islands, new high-level accessible platforms
Taraval Street
44th and 46th avenues, new boarding islands