Traditionally, Taxis, Access & Mobility Services Division (TAMS) has represented a combination of two distinct functions of the SFMTA that substantially overlap in the regulation of the taxi industry. Accessible Services is a core support function for all modes of the agency to ensure that transit, pedestrian and bike facilities and taxi services are accessible to older adults and people with disabilities. This division also oversees the SFMTA Paratransit program. In order to provide a cost-efficient and customer friendly network of paratransit services, Accessible Services has leveraged the private taxi industry in a private-public partnership. Taxi Services’ core function is to license and regulate the private taxi industry to ensure that drivers and vehicles are safe, that taxi service is accessible to the disability community, and service is available regardless of trip origin or destination at prices that are transparent.
Over the past few years, transportation options in San Francisco have changed significantly, and the functions of TAMS have expanded as well. A variety of mobility services and technologies have emerged, from mobile applications that connect passengers with on demand service, shared ride van services, shared scooter services, to autonomous vehicles that are currently being tested on our City streets. These new mobility services present both opportunities and challenges to the safe and efficient movement of people and goods in San Francisco, which is mandated by City Charter in the Transit-First Policy.
In response to these changes, Taxis, Access & Mobility Services and the Streets Division (formerly Sustainable Streets) have partnered to develop and implement permit programs for services within the SFMTA’s jurisdiction to balance the drive for innovation with the goals of providing safe, reliable, accessible and equitable transportation in San Francisco. The Streets Division is the lead in incubating new mobility programs in collaboration with Taxis, Access & Mobility Services, and Taxis, Access & Mobility Services is the operational division and takes the lead in regulating and managing ongoing mobility permit programs.
The Accessible Services Program provides a dedicated focus on the needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities to ensure access to all transportation modes in San Francisco. This includes:
- Muni Fixed Route: assuring that the Muni fixed route system is fully accessible and usable by people with disabilities and seniors
- SF Paratransit: overseeing the administration of the city’s paratransit program through a contract with Transdev to provide more than 700,000 van and taxi rides to approximately 14,000 eligible individuals with disabilities
- Regional Transit Connection Discount ID card program: providing qualifying individuals an Regional Transit Connection (RTC) Clipper Card that allows them to access the discounted fare on all participating transit systems in the region
- Technical Support: providing technical expertise on Muni, bicycle, and pedestrian projects to ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
- Community Participation: staffing two active public advisory committees, the Multimodal Accessibility Advisory Committee, which provides feedback about disabled access to Muni, streets projects and other modes of transportation regulated by SFMTA, and the Paratransit Coordinating Council, which provides feedback regarding service quality for the city’s paratransit program
- Emerging Mobility: ensuring that disabled access is considered and promoted as part of emerging mobility services evaluation, permitting and operations
Taxis, Access & Mobility Services Division org chart - PDF Download
Accessible text version of the above org chart
RTC: Regional Transit Connection

Taxis and Mobility Services
Taxi Services is charged with licensing and regulating the private taxi industry to ensure that the riding public, drivers and vehicles are safe, that taxi service is universally accessible for all regardless of trip origin or destination, without...

Accessible Services
Accessible Services reports to Taxis, Access & Mobility Services Our Responsibilities Fixed Route Accessibility – Ensure compliance with ADA regulations; Oversee Muni operational issues that impact senior and disabled access; Conduct Transit Operator...