Candlestick Point/Hunters Point Shipyard

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프로젝트 소개 (Project Introduction)


The SFMTA led the development of the Project’s Transportation Plan, which prioritizes walking, bicycling, and transit travel, links the new neighborhood with the existing adjacent ones, improves access to the entire Southeast portion of San Francisco, and ensures direct, immediate links to regional transit and traffic corridors.

The project transit improvements include: the Hunters Point Transit Center, bus rapid transit connecting to Caltrain and likely BART, new downtown express bus routes from both Candlestick Point and Hunters Point and other service expansions. Street improvements will include transit preferential signaling and streetscape improvements.  An extensive pedestrian and bicycle network includes a cycletrack connecting Candlestick Point with Hunters Point and connecting both areas to regional transit. 

The land use plan features a dense, compact development pattern centered around mixed-use transit nodes. The Transportation Demand Management Plan includes: a fulltime Transportation Coordinator, bicycle support facilities, monthly transit passes included in homeowner’s dues, residential parking sold or leased separately from units and parking pricing to encourage alternative modes.

The project site is in the southeast corner of San Francisco, in an area with historically limited transit and bicycle facilities. The planned transportation improvements should significantly improve the transportation network for residents, while providing access to unique attractions serving the entire city and region. It is also immediately adjacent to other Priority Development Areas, including Visitacion Valley and the Brisbane Baylands.


The project supports the SFMTA Strategic Plan goals and City policies and initiatives including:

  • SFMTA Muni Forward project
  • Better Streets Plan, and
  • San Francisco Bicycle Plan.

The project aims to provide a community that can serve as a model of sustainable development and transportation, with at least 55 percent of PM peak hour work trips made by transit, walking and bicycling. Benefits include:

  • Expanded housing and employment opportunities, including permanent and construction jobs
  • Improved transit connections in an area with relatively high auto use
  • A walkable and bikeable community
  • Tax revenues supporting expanded services
  • Unique resources for San Francisco and the region, including open space, retail and entertainment


The project will:

  • Support one of the largest transit-oriented development projects in the region
  • Provide major transit improvements and connections to Caltrain and BART 
  • Provide a pedestrian/bicycle network, including  a cycletrack connecting Candlestick Point with Hunters Point, and connecting each with regional transit
  • Support adjacent priority development areas (PDAs), including Visitacion Valley and the Brisbane Baylands.


Transportation infrastructure costs are expected to be covered by development revenues and grants. The total costs for the Bayview Transportation Improvement Project full package, meaning providing access improvements to the development site, is estimated at $362 million. Planning and environmental review work has been funded by the Federal Highway Administration and local grants. A $120.5 million Federal Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) loan has received preliminary approval. This would be secured by tax increment revenue from development.

Other candidate funding sources include: private development equity, Community Facility District bonds,  TIGER  (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) grant and other federal/state/local grants.


The overall project is managed by the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure (successor to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency), with FivePoint as the lead developer. San Francisco Public Works leads the  Bayview Transportation Improvements Project, focusing on arterial street access improvements, and the San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA) leads both the Bi-County Transportation Study and the Bayshore Caltrain Access Study.


Candlestick Point & Hunters Point Shipyard Phase II - Transportation Plan


Project Timeline
May 2013 to January 2014
Project review of Bayview Transportation Improvements EA and certification
2014 to 2020
Design phase
Construction started
Approximately 2031
Build out of infrastructure of the Candlestick Point and Hunters Point Shipyard area
프로젝트 상태 (Project Status)
  1. Planning
  2. Detailed Design
  3. Implementation / Construction
개선 (Improvements)
Muni Metro train
Improve transit connections and support one of the largest transit-oriented development projects in the region
Install pedestrian level lighting, plants, and trees
Create a walkable community
Create a bikeable community
연락처 (Contact Information)
Kristin Michael