FINAL UPDATE: Delay at 9th & Irving is in the process of clearing. Incident train being removed from service. IB #NJudah and OB 44 resuming regular service.
Muni Alerts
UPDATE: The OB 44 is delayed at 9th and Irving. Expect OB 44 to reroute via Irving to 8th to Judah to 9th.
ATTN: IB #NJudah delayed at 9th & Irving due to a train door issue.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Geary & Mason has cleared. OB 38/38R resuming regular service.
ATTN: OB 38/38R blocked at Geary & Mason by #SFFD. OB 38/38R routing via Mason to Ellis to Taylor to Geary. No stops missed.
FINAL UPDATE: Hyde Cable Car Line is back up and running.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Broadway is clearing. IB #FMarket resuming service.
ATTN: IB #FMarket delayed at Embarcadero and Broadway due to a patron on board a streetcar needing medical assistance. Medics are en route.
ATTN: Powell Hyde and Powell Mason Cable Car lines delayed due to a cable issue. Cable cars currently holding position.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay on Clayton btwn Corbett and Market has cleared. IB/OB 33 resuming regular service.
ATTN: IB/OB 33 blocked on Clayton btwn Corbett and Market by a non-Muni collision. OB 33 will switchback at Haight. IB 33 will switchback at Castro.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at West Portal and Vicente is clearing. IB/OB 57 and IB #MOceanView and #KIngleside resuming service.
ATTN: IB/OB 57 and IB #MOceanView & #KIngleside blocked at West Portal and Vicente by #SFFD.
ATTN: Arrival time predictions are currently not available in #subwaysvc stations (West Portal to Embarcadero). Arrival times in the #CentralSubway are still predicting. We are working to resolve this issue.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Jackson and Taylor has cleared. OB Powell Hyde Cable Car Line resuming service.
ATTN: OB Powell Hyde Cable Car Line delayed at Jackson and Taylor by a Muni-involved collision.
FINAL UPDATE: IB/OB 8 & 8BX resuming regular service through the area of Visitacion and Desmond.