ATTN: Report of a non-Muni collision on Market btwn Eureka and Diamond. The L Bus and 35 may see delays and reroutes.
Muni Alerts
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at San Jose and Niagara has cleared. Incident train removed from service. IB #MOceanView resumi
FINAL UPDATE: Delay near Polk and Ellis has cleared. OB 19 resuming regular route.
ATTN: IB #MOceanView delayed at San Jose and Niagara due to a stalled train. Maintenance personnel are responding.
ATTN: OB 19 routing via Polk to Ellis to Hyde back to regular route due to a non-Muni collision near Polk and Ellis.
FINAL UPDATE: Cable inspection has been completed. Powell Hyde Cable Car Line resuming service.
ATTN: The Powell Hyde Cable Car Line will be down for a cable inspection. We hope to have the line back up as quick as we can.
FINAL UPDATE: Non-Muni collision @ 4th btwn Howard & Folsom cleared. OB 8 & 15, IB 30 & 45 resuming regular routes.
ATTN: IB 30 & 45 and OB 8 & 15 rerouting from 4th via Howard-5th-Folsom to regular route due to non-Muni collision
FINAL UPDATE: Stalled streetcar has been cleared. IB #JChurch has resumed regular service.
ATTN: IB #JChurch delay @ San Jose/30th due to stalled streetcar blocking. Working to resolve. Will update when mor
Reminder: Today #SFMuni operating on a weekday non-school schedule;Parking Meters and nightly street sweeping bei
ATTN: Today #SFMuni will operate on a weekday non-school schedule;Parking Meters and nightly street sweeping will
HeadsUp: Tomorrow #SFMuni will operate on a weekday non-school schedule;Parking Meters and nightly street sweepin
UPDATE: The IB/OB 49 has resumed regular service to and from the Powell and Beach terminal.
UPDATE: The IB/OB 22 resuming regular service in the Marina. The #FMarket continues to switch back at Pier 39.
ATTN: Powell Mason Cable Car Line service will be resuming. Mason cable cars currently on the Hyde Line will resume
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Church Station has cleared. Incident #MOceanView train removed from service. IB #subwaysvc r