FINAL UPDATE: IB 45 cleared at Union & Fillmore. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.
Muni Alerts
ATTN: IB 45 rerouting around Union & Fillmore due to #SFFD activity. Will update.
FINAL UPDATE: OB 23 cleared at Alemany and Bayshore. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.
ATTN: OB 23 rerouting around Alemany and Bayshore due to #SFPD activity. Reroute via Cortland-Folsom-Crescent.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at San Jose and Randall has cleared. OB #JChurch resuming service.
ATTN: OB #JChurch blocked at San Jose & Randall by an automobile on the tracks.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Mission and 6th has cleared. OB 14/14R resuming regular service.
ATTN: OB 14/14R blocked at MIssion and 6th by #SFFD activity. OB 14/14R will reroute via Market btwn 6th and 8th.
UPDATE: IB #JChurch will switchback at Day while OB J trains will switchback at 22nd. Once in place, bus shuttles will support J Line service.
ATTN: OB #JChurch blocked at Church and 27th by a non-Muni collision.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at California and Kearny has cleared. IB California Cable Car Line resuming service.
FINAL UPDATE: #MarketSt and #CentralSubway now resuming regular service. Expect residual delays as we balance service. Bus shuttles will continue to be in place until 3 p.m. Thank you for your patience.
ATTN: IB California Cable Car Line delayed at Kearny Street due to a cable car having to deploy the emergency brake.
UPDATE #5: IB #KIngleside trains will drop off passengers outside of West Portal, then proceed via the #LTaraval line to 22nd Ave. to switchback for service to Balboa Park Station.
UPDATE: Market St. #SubwaySvc will be resuming, w/ only #LTaraval & #MOceanView trains entering the subway @ West Portal (to reduce congestion). Trains will need to operate slowly to Castro, where they will connect to the automatic control system & resume normal speeds.
UPDATE #3: @SFBART is honoring Muni fares between Embarcadero and Balboa Park stations for riders impacted by the current subway service delay.
UPDATE #2: #KIngleside , #MOceanView & #LTaraval trains will interline btwn Balboa Park & SF Zoo in both directions. IB #JChurch & #NJudah will switchback at Church/Reservoir & Duboce/Church, respectively.
UPDATE: Market St. riders, please use alternate surface transit options as we continue to work to provide Metro bus shuttles. Central Subway riders, please use the 15, 30, or 45 buses w/ the transfer point btwn buses and #TThird trains being at 4th/King (Caltrain).
ATTN: Arranging bus shuttle support btwn West Portal & Embarcadero due to a system network issue impacting both Market St. Subway & the Central Subway.
FINAL UPDATE: Signal issue resolved. #TThird service has resumed.