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Potrero Yard Modernization Project

プロジェクトの紹介 (Project Introduction)

The Potrero Yard Modernization Project will replace an obsolete, century-old bus yard with a modern, four-story, efficient bus maintenance and storage facility, equipped to serve the SFMTA as it...


San Francisco Trolley Dances


SFMTA is proud to sponsor the 16th anniversary of the San Francisco Trolley Dances. And our Muni train cars will get you a front seat for the performances!

This two-day, free (with Muni fare) public performance curated by Epiphany Dance Theater artistic director Kim Epifano. This year’s route travels along the J-Church Muni line, from Mid-Market/Tenderloin to Noe Valley. Participating artists include Lily Cai Chinese Dance Company, Micaya's Soulforce Dance Company, Gerald Casel, Guillermo Galindo, Gregory Dawson's dawsondancesf, Evie Ladin's MoTor/dance, Juliano Wade, and Kim Epifano's Epiphany Dance Theater.

Welcome Registration Booth + Tour Starting Point:

International Art Museum of America, 1023 Market St.

Trolley Dances times are:

11 a.m., 11:45 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 1:15 p.m., 2 p.m., 2:45 p.m.

Each tour runs approximately two hours

Make your plans to go and get tips on how to get the most of the SF Trolley Dance fun at



다양한 결제 방법을 통해 Muni 버스, 철도 또는 케이블카 티켓을 쉽게 구매할 수 있습니다. MuniMobile®: SFMTAの公式チケット発行アプリの「MuniMobile」では、クレジットカード、デビットカード、またはPayPalアカウントを使用して簡単に乗車券を購入できます。さらに詳しく Clipper® カード: クリッパー(Clipper...


Waivers for people experiencing homelessness or low-income and reduction for first time tow

Experiencing homelessness in San Francisco?

Eligible vehicle owners experiencing homelessness who have visited a Coordinated Entry Point in the past 6 months will receive a one-time

  • Administrative fee waiver
  • Tow fee waiver
  • Up to 30 days storage waiver
  • Dolly waiver

Limit one per vehicle owner

Flyer: Steps on how to become eligible

List: Coordinated Entry Points

Low-income in San Francisco?  

Eligible low-income vehicle owners will receive

  • Administrative fee waiver
  • Reduction of the tow fee
  • Up to 15 days storage waiver
  • Dolly waiver
First-time tow in San Francisco?

Individuals whose vehicle has never been previously towed by the SFMTA or SFPD will receive

  • Reduction of the administrative fee

Reduced fee schedule

Administrative fee

Administrative fee (one for all vehicles) Fee to be paid
All tows $360
First-time tow $304
Low-income or experiencing homelessness $0

Tow fee

Tow fee (one for all vehicles) Fee to be paid
People experiencing homelessness $0
Low-income $104
All others $297

How to Qualify

Present one of the following:

  • California State Medi-Cal
  • Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT)
  • SFMTA Lifeline card
  • WIC benefits,
  • Fully completed Income Verification form to be submitted with the form below

You may be required to submit the most current award letter.  NO tax documentation will be accepted.

Reductions May Be Applied When Paying Your Tow Fees

No reductions are available without proof of eligibility. Persons unable to prove eligibility must pay the non-reduced fees.

Qualified individual registered owners who submit proof of eligibility when paying the tow fees will automatically receive the reduction.

Request Reimbursement of Certain Tow Fees 

Individual owners who pay the non-reduced fees may request reimbursement if eligibility can be proven within 30 days of the vehicle being claimed.

Reductions are itemized on the SFMTA receipt.  Check your SFMTA receipt to verify whether you received waivers or reductions.

If you paid the full or higher administrative fee to the SFMTA and feel you qualify for certain low-income waivers or a first-time tow reduction, fill out the form below to request reimbursement as applicable to your case. You will be required to upload your receipt and proof of eligibility.

After completing the form, you will receive a confirmation email and further details from


  • All requests for reimbursement must be received within 30 days from the date of tow or 30 days from the date of paying the non-reduced fees 
  • The owner (or renter) of the towed vehicle must be an individual
  • Nonowners are not eligible for low-income waivers
  • For rented or leased vehicles, the rental or lease agreement must be from a bonafide car rental company and identify the renter or lessee as the vehicle's driver
  • All businesses, including partnerships, trusts, for-profit corporations, and nonprofit corporations are excluded
  • First-time tow individuals will be required to provide DMV registration showing the first date of ownership of their vehicle
  • The SFMTA tows vehicles in San Francisco only; vehicles towed in other jurisdictions are not eligible for reductions or reimbursement
  • You must provide a USA mailing address to receive reimbursement

Please complete this form to apply for a reimbursement

Vehicle tow program phone: 415.646.2200 email:


Budget for Fiscal Years 2019 and 2020: Balancing Transportation Needs of a Growing City

プロジェクトの紹介 (Project Introduction)

Созданное по инициативе избирателей в 1999 году, Муниципальное транспортное агенство города Сан-Франциско осуществляет управление городской наземной транспортной системой, в том числе сетью...