Dogpatch-Central Waterfront Area Transit Connections Study

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プロジェクトの紹介 (Project Introduction)

To prioritize transit service in light of evolving land uses and increasing development, the Dogpatch-Central Waterfront Area Transit Connections Study is providing a comprehensive assessment of transit connectivity needs and service gaps in the Dogpatch, including connections to adjacent neighborhoods such as Potrero Hill and Mission Bay.

The study includes a community survey that will be administered online, within the community and on transit vehicles, as well as data on transit patterns and maps of current and future development. After analyzing the data, our findings and recommendations will be shared with the community for feedback.

Project Timeline
Fall 2017 - Winter 2018
Transportation Data Analysis
Winter - Spring 2018
Community Input and Survey
Summer 2018
Report Back to Community on Findings
プロジェクトの現状 (Project Status)
  1. Current
Project Success
On budget
On schedule

The SFMTA carried out an analysis of existing/future transportation conditions in the Dogpatch-Central Waterfront neighborhoods to better inform itself on its upcoming replacement service for the existing 22-Fillmore. Existing/future conditions were established using online community surveys, in-person public outreach at local neighborhood events, existing ridership and network data, the San Francisco Planning Department’s 2017 Third Quarter Planning Development Pipeline, and demographic data from the American Community Survey (ACS). The data was analyzed to establish existing baseline transit conditions, estimate the potential future transit demand, gather public opinion, and to produce recommendations to assist with final recommendation for replacement service of the existing 22-Fillmore bus service.


The initial street level assessment was conducted to measure existing and future demand based solely on existing ridership numbers, existing census information, and current land uses (or projects already registered with the Planning Department).

1) Ridership potential (population and employment density)

2) Benefits to transit reliant population (transit dependency index)

3) Current land use (size and density of uses)

4) Future land use (size and density of uses)

Future ridership potential throughout the Dogpatch-Central Waterfront Area


After analyzing data to measure existing and future transit demand, SFMTA's Planning team took their initial findings to the community to gain insight into what they wanted from transit in their neighborhoods. The purpose of this was to compare what the best available data was telling us versus what the people living or working in the neighborhood are experiencing now, as well as what transit options they'd like in the future. Both sets of data, one qualitative and the other more quantitative, would help inform our final key takeaways to SFMTA's Transit Division.

Survey distribution and project update tactics:

  • Survey distribution, 790 surveys collected
    • Online
    • Pop-up locations (i.e. along commercial corridors and residential areas)
    • Intercept survey via bus
  • Community event outreach (i.e. Sunday Streets)
  • Presentations at local merchant and neighborhood associations

ROUND 1, Survey Distribution and Community Outreach-- February through April 2018 

Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association 2/27/2018
On-board bus survey by Civic Edge Feb 2018
Open House, Minnesota Street Project 3/6/2018
Sunday Streets - Dogpatch 4/15/2018
Dogpatch Neighborhood Association 4/10/2018
Potrero Dogpatch Merchants Association 4/10/2018
Dogpatch Business Association 4/17/2018
Building Manager Outreach for New Development 4/27/2018
Pop-ups multiple locations Mission Bay, Dogpatch, Potrero Hill  April 2018

ROUND 2, Survey Distribution and Community Outreach-- August through November 2018

Late August through November, the project team will give presentations at merchant/ neighborhood association meetings, attend community events, pop-up at key neighborhood locations, and distribute an online survey to gather community feedback on proposed route alternatives. 


Summary information on key takeaways is listed below. For detailed information please see the full Key Takeaways Report (PDF) found on the right column of this page. 


The findings of this study have been presented to the Transit Division of the SFMTA and they are now developing their proposed alternatives. Outreach for the chosen alternatives is slated to begin in September with a round of pop-up events throughout the study area, visits to a number of the local neighborhood associations, merchant groups, as well as a community meeting in November. To keep up to date with the alternatives selection process, continue to follow the work by visting the webpage for Dogpatch-Potrero Hill 16th Street Connection (click here).

連絡先 (Contact Information)
Monica Munowitch