Over 150 people attended our open house and public hearing on August 27, 2019 at John Muir Elementary School where the project team presented the pilot proposal in an open house format, allowing members of the public to review and discuss items of concern directly with SFMTA staff as well as District 5 Supervisor Vallie Brown. In addition, comment cards were distributed and collected at the event, and many of you have taken the time to provide us with written and recorded comments on the designs to make Page Street safer and more comfortable for people walking and biking. Thank you to all who participated!
Open house materials including the boards and plan view drawings are available on the project website under Related Reports & Documents and in the list below:
- Page Street Bikeway Improvements Pilot Boards
- Page Street Illustrated Plans
- Haight Street Illustrated Plans
Major themes from the comments received during the open house are summarized below, and the inventory of comments are available here:
- Two-thirds of attendee comments indicated support for the pilot project - many excited by safety benefits for people walking and bicycling on Page Street
- Some are concerned for the impacts to neighborhood traffic circulation but say the changes are worth testing provided the status quo isn't working
- Requests that similar attention be paid to Haight Street - concerns for additional freeway-bound traffic queuing, safety issues, and transit delay
- Concerns for loss of parking in a neighborhood where street parking is already difficult to find and many homes lack off-street spaces
- Requests for adequate communication of the changes to people driving prior to beginning the pilot and enforcement when first implemented
- Many more specific comments that point SFMTA staff to particular issues that could be included in the pilot's evaluation
Next Steps
The project team will be tabling at the September 22 Western Addition Sunday Streets event and additional stakeholder briefings will continue through the end of September. Information about the upcoming SFMTA Board meeting will also be announced once the date is confirmed, with a mailer going out to the neighborhood.
If you are a representative of a stakeholder, advocacy, community, or merchant group and would like to set up a meeting with the project team, please contact us at PageBikeway@sfmta.com.