ATTN: IB #subwaysvc delayed at Montgomery due to a patron experiencing a medical episode on a train.
Muni Alerts
HeadsUp: Due to ongoing staffing level issues, expect extended waits & likely crowding on the 1, 5, 5R, 8, 14, 14R,
ATTN: Eastbound #SubwaySvc delayed between Montgomery & Embarcadero due to train w/ braking issue. Working to resolve. Will update.
FINAL UPDATE: Fire department activity on Parnassus between Shrader & Cole cleared. IB & OB 43 & 66 buses are resum
ATTN: IB & OB 43 Masonic & 66 Quintara buses rerouting from Parnassus via Stanyan-Carl-Cole due to fire department
FINAL UPDATE: IB #TThird trains resuming regular service. Expect rolling delays.
ATTN: IB #TThird delayed at 4th and King due to a signal issue. Working to clear. Will update.
UPDATE: Shuttles to support between Church & Duboce and 19th Ave. Will update.
UPDATE: OB switching back at Hillway; IB at 19th Ave. Will update.
ATTN: IB/OB #NJudah delayed at 19th and Irving due to #SFFD activity. Will update.
FINAL UPDATE: OB #SubwaySvc cleared at Van Ness Station. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.
ATTN: OB #SubwaySvc delayed at Van Ness Station due to a mechanical issues. Will update.
HeadsUp: Due to ongoing staffing level issues, expect extended waits & likely crowding on the 1, 14, 30, 37, 43, an
FINAL UPDATE: #NJudah cleared at Judah and 19th. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.
ATTN: #NJudah switching back IB to OB at Judah and 19th due to #SFFD activity. 2 Bus Shuttles en route btwn Judah/1
Reminder: Due to PGE work along Carl Street, motor coaches are now providing #NJudah svc between Judah/La Playa and
FINAL UPDATE: OB #SubwaySvc cleared at Forest Hill Station. Regular service resuming.
ATTN: OB #SubwaySvc delay at Forest Hill Station due to a minor medical emergency. Will update.
ATTN: Due to PGE work along Carl Street, motor coaches are now providing #NJudah svc between Judah/La Playa and Dub
FINAL UPDATE: IB/OB 1 cleared at California and 28th. Regular service resuming. Expect residual delays.