Building on the SFMTA's deep history and commitment to accessibility, this Accessible Transportation Needs Assessment is the first phase of our agency's coordinated and comprehensive Accessibility Strategy.
The Accessibility Strategy is being developed by the SFMTA's Accessible Services Section, in coordination with our colleagues and public stakeholders, to address the diverse transportation needs of people with disabilities and older adults in San Francisco.
This document is informed by years of community outreach, engagement, planning and program implementation across all facets of the agency. Sources include customer survey responses, workshop findings, citywide task force recommendations, staff interviews, on-time performance metrics, feedback from community advisory bodies and more.
Once you read through the Needs Assessment, we encourage you to fill out a quick survey on the Accessibility Strategy Needs Assessment. Your feedback will help inform how we proceed as we move into the Goals and Actions phase of the Accessibility Strategy.
Community members are also encouraged to contact us at to ask us a question, provide additional feedback, or let us know that you are interested in project updates.