Medallion Transfer Program

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This is a program that allows the SFMTA to transfer Surrendered Medallions at the Medallion Transfer Price. It also lets quailifying medallion holders retransfer their transferable medallions at the Medallion Transfer Price.

In 1978, voters passed Proposition K, which among other things, made San Francisco taxi medallions non-transferable and limited new ownership of medallions to individual working taxi drivers. On February 26th, 2010, SFMTA Board authorized a temporary Medallion Sales Pilot program that was in place between 2010 and 2012. This program authorized the purchase and sale of certain Taxi Medallions at an established medallion sales price to a purchaser who is qualified to hold a Medallion. On August 16, 2012, the SFMTA Board adopted a permanent Medallion Transfer Program.

Medallion Transfer Program Process

New Medallion Qualification Term

On October 13, 2015, the SFMTA Board amended the driving eligibility requirement for Taxi Medallion applicants.  Now an applicant must have been a full time driver for at least the past twelve months, instead of four out of the last five years. 

How a driver will receive a medallion
  1. Driver receives offer letter
  2. Turn in required materials (within 45 days)
  • application form
  • 10 Year DMV printout
  • waybills for the past twelve months. Electronic waybills may be submitted electronically to the SFMTA via email at SFTAXI@SFMTA.COM
  1. Receive notification of test date.
  2. Takes SFMTA test
  3. SFTMA Returns Waybills
  4. Issued certificate, a qualification document issued by the SFMTA Taxi Services that demonstrates that the applicant has met all the requirements to purchase a taxi medallion. 
  5. Certificate can then be taken to a bank if a loan is needed
  6. Once loan clears and SFMTA approves, driver is issued the next available medallion

Important Links and Downloads

Medallion Pilot Program Archives